Sentences with phrase «too emotional is»

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It turned out to be too polarizing: too emotional and personal for business colleagues, he says.
Whether they're juggling too many responsibilities or facing monotonous, unrewarding tasks, the main early symptom is physical, mental and emotional fatigue, says Mark Gorkin, the self - styled «Stress Doc» who consults and writes about burnout and depression.
«When I asked them to tell me more about meetings, they'd get emotional and say there are too many, they're too long, there are too many people there, they're boring, they're draining and they're not productive.»
A very important element to marketing that too many entrepreneurs overlook is finding your emotional benefit.
«I think one of the biggest attributes of someone who has emotional intelligence is someone who can take a critical look at themselves, laugh at themselves and not take themselves too seriously,» he says.
Too many of us have this tendency to pretend that we're made of emotional steel — that when our partner insults us, or doesn't pay us enough attention, we're totally fine.
Historically, women's low participation in investment activity has been explained away with claims that they are too emotional, too risk averse, or simply too broke to be good investors, none of which is has been proven to be anything more than archaic stereotype.
In The Revenant's case, the moment of highest overall emotional intensity came right at the end, suggesting that the film, at two hours 36 minutes, was not, in fact, too long.
Brown then connected her story to something that happens all the time in business situations, too: «What can be the emotional response when you push out a bid for connection with someone, and they push you away and reject that bid?»
I'm emotional around my son, and I give him the space to be so, too.
But Impression also carries a big emotional hook, too; simply put, the Mondopad is just cool.
I definitely don't day trade or recommend that anyone day trades — it's too risky and emotional for me.
It's all about that emotional intelligence too.
If I can make it through the next bear market without being too emotional, I'll consider adding on more risk.
It's normal to exchange views and that helps ensure things will not go awry because issues become too emotional
Your little «on second thought» dig clearly insinuated something about my own religious commitments; your sarcasm was too weak to warrant recognition; and your choice to decry me as «emotional» is a really tired tactic which mean who don't respect women use against women when they've been cornered.
Too often, when Christians make appeals to atheists or agnostics, they fall back on emotional, faith - based language: «When I trust in the Lord...,» «God has been so good to me...,» etc..
Crhis, to pick up on HJ's suggestion, I guess it is too much to expect that «Chris» is short for «Christine» and that you are a shapely 30 year - old redhead with DD breasts, a hyperactie $ ex drive, a fear of emotional commitment and a few hours to spare, hey?
Women were degraded, told they were too emotional, and only used to speak on panels if they were praising the men.
How different too is Dido's emphasis on emotional contentment from the focus on erotic pleasure and emotional extremism that characterises so many popular songs.
I know a lot of wonderful OBGYNs who are very woman - centric, too) focus just as much on my emotional and spiritual state as on my physical state, believing that all of the aspects of my life are deeply connected to birth and health.
Based upon my experience, it is all too often the atheist / agnostic audience that poses emotional, baseless, illogical arguments that show a lack of actual critical thinking.
Mental illness and the facing of emotional crises are much too prevalent for any one group to work with alone.
If internal repressive controls are too rigid, the price in physical and emotional health may be costly.
In Emilia's case, too, healing is an ongoing process which deals not only with physical recovery, but also emotional and spiritual well - being.
Do we rely too heavily on our own emotional intelligence when it comes to assessing our how happy we are?
According to Winnicott, being boring is a sign of severe emotional distress, since people generally become boring by working way too hard to manage their inner realities.
Obama is a progressive Christian who blends the emotional fire of the African - American church, the ecumenical outlook of contemporary Protestantism, and the activism of the Social Gospel, a late 19th - century movement whose leaders faulted American churches for focusing too much on personal salvation while ignoring the conditions that led to pervasive poverty.
So while you may choose to bow out and ignore some interesting ideas, because the topic is too emotional for you, and there's nothing wrong with that), you can not tell others to do the same.
@Debbie Davis, I think that spectrum of cerebral (analytic) vs emotional [though a bit artificial] can be seen among religious folks too.
An all - too - common retroactive dismissal of the leaving pastor's «calling» (i.e. that s / he never really had a calling because one can't / shouldn't be able to leave a «true» calling) is salt in the wounds and complicates emotional struggle of the existential angst of the present in reason 8 with an additional task of trying to defend one's historical existence, even if the defense is confined to an internal self re-assurance.
And if they say open your heart and you'll see Elvis too, you have to wonder why emotional malleability and suspension of critical reasoning is required.
Now with resources such as your essay, I think I'll be able to help with the emotional support, too.
The connections between our mental / emotional health and our physical health were just too apparent, with cause and effect running in both directions.
Both sides are too emotional and don't use their brains.
The one I often heard was: women are too emotional to speak in church.
It is sometimes called the dirge measure, since it is the meter, for example, of the Book of Lamentations; but this is too restrictive; in reality it is widely invoked in more emotional poems, and occurs often merely as a release from a uniform 3:3 measure.
The mind control is too strong... the Kool - aid is simply too ingrained into the emotional and mental framework of religion for that type of self awareness.
Further, Kierkegaard insists that there is a kind of structuralization within the emotional cosmos, the inward life, too.
The reasons most often suggested are too much work, too long a day, too various a complex of problems and duties, too unremitting a drain on emotional and mental stores, insufficient opportunity to lift the clerical nose from the parish grindstone.
We are emotional beings too.
«Good Christian kids» might not be having sex with prospective mates, but all too often they rush into emotional intimacy, offering up themselves — thoughts, hearts and dreams — in the hopes of finding that elusive soul mate, leaving a trail of broken hearts.
I am a musician and a writer, plus a dabbler in drawing and other artistic «crafty» endeavors so I always interpret things from a deep emotional point of view which hasn't always worked in my favour (at least it didn't in the church I attended) and alienated me from non-artistic people who called me too sensitive and too picky and too obsessive and too emotionally involved with just about everything I did, or tried to do.
If these issues seem to be too emotional for either of you, don't even discuss them.
If the opposite - sexed parent is too dependent on the child for emotional satisfactions because of the lack of a satisfying marriage or other adult relationship, the same fixation may occur.
Loki is cool too, just destined to be the failure of Asgard... he does try to repent but Thor, being overly emotional, kills him before ever getting the chance to pleed his case after locking Thor up to await his death.
All too often this has been the goal of dispassionate scholarship, all too often stunting the richness of the emotional life.
For my children, witnessing their mum being being driven to the point of emotional and physical breakdown by the abusive behaviour of her fellow «leaders» offered a pretty «terrible misconception» too!
I think you are a punk and a fool and a bully, and that you care more for fetuses than for the real living women and the real living children who live with the consequences of poverty and violence every day, because too many kids are being born to people who don't have the emotional or financial resources to do the job right.
While everyone gets worked into a frenzy and lathered up in the emotional fight of us and them... the powers that be (bildenbergs, or whomever) are setting the stage for a nice little nuke drop... somewhere... because we all know what this is truly about, too many people and too few resources.
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