Sentences with phrase «too focused on the big picture»

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Like «stay focused on the big picture,» «pivot» is a popular buzzword, but changing focus too frequently can kill your business.
Despite the weather being way too hot, I'm focusing on the bigger picture — knowing cooler days are coming soon.
Traders, on the other hand, are generally less risk averse because they deal with losses every day; they work with large portfolios of stocks tend to look at the long - term, bigger picture, rather than focusing too much on individual, day - to - day ups and downs.
«Over half the costs of being overweight can be from productivity losses, mainly due to missed work days... This means that just focusing on medical costs misses a big part of the picture, though they're a consideration, too,» study co-author Bruce Lee said in a statement, noting that of course medical bills contribute to this number as well.
The problem with setting these interim goals is that you might become too focused on achieving them and lose sight of the big picture.
I talk a lot about the importance of eating clean, but I love what Dr. Welch has to say about food, which is basically this: It's possible to focus too much on food, and not enough on the bigger picture.
While it is enjoyable and still stands as a lone film, there is a massive sense that Marvel are too busy focusing on the bigger picture to put too much effort into The First Avenger.
The discussion focuses too much on specifics and not enough on the big picture.
Undertaking to make World Trade Center just five years after the shattering events of 11th September 2001, Oliver Stone has angered many who feel it is too early to dramatise that time, and yet he has succeeded in making an effective film that, instead of focussing on the big picture, details the impact of that day on two young families.
In an earlier blog post we talked about the importance of developmental editing and why the focus on big - picture stuff — structure, book - spanning issues like plot or organization, character development, dialogue, and that sort of thing — needs to come first, before you spend too much time worrying about the finer points of style and wording.
But bigger picture / longer term investing in distressed / special situations against a background of emerging market growth is a wonderful investment thesis — something Ashmore Group's focused on too.
The creators of the competing hypothesis will have to focus on the big picture too instead of attacking data sets (not that data sets shouldn't be recollected or reevaluated) or attacking interpretations or parts of interpretations.
We know the story too well sometimes, focusing on minutiae instead of on the big picture.
Therapists who move in too quickly to focus on communication problems in a same - sex couple are likely to miss the bigger picture.
For too long, the residential real estate sales industry, brokerages and agents have been focussed on making sales and managing transactions, not advising consumers on the bigger picture — like whether it's the right time for you to be buying or selling.
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