Sentences with phrase «too jokey»

«Infinity War» has just enough self - awareness without becoming too jokey or winking at the audience.
As the already fast - moving story gains more momentum and the likeable leads try to foil the killer and keep cognizant, it must be said that it all seems a little too jokey to believe the characters are ever in any real danger.
Even classics like The Howling and American Werewolf in London are too jokey for my taste.
I mean, there's definitely stuff that is unreal and insane and absurd and surreal, but just anything that didn't ring emotionally true I tried to avoid it and if anything felt too jokey I tried to avoid it.
And Clooney's Batman was too jokey.

Not exact matches

A stylish and worthy homage: inventive even as it is derivative, never quite jokey but never taking itself too seriously, and clocking in at an entirely appropriate 91 minutes.
While the studio's films demonstrated plenty of comic flair right from the start of its shared - universe experiment, with 2008's Iron Man, recent efforts have veered too far into bland, jokey listlessness; frivolity has trumped lightheartedness, pandering has replaced irreverence.
But it is a stylish and worthy homage: inventive even as it is derivative, never quite jokey but never taking itself too seriously, and clocking in at an entirely appropriate 91 minutes.
Marvel has perhaps become too reliant on its loose, jokey tone in recent years, and it's easy to criticize Ragnarok on similar grounds.
The result is a terrifically human slice of sci - fi, which makes space travel plausible without taking itself too seriously, Damon's jokey turn accompanied by cute touches on the road to survival (the use of a tarpaulin being the cheekiest) and on the soundtrack; I never imagined I'd hear Abba's Waterloo in a space drama.
They're already too funny for a jokey version, the «SNL» alums opined in our interview.
Alfred Molina plays a far dopier role as an Afghan politician somewhat obsessed with Fey's character, but that whole storyline is so jokey (and hokey) it's hard to take it too seriously.
In Maverick, Mel Gibson gives a jokey portrayal of Bret Maverick that at times relies too much on his schtick from the Lethal Weapon films (not surprisingly since Maverick director Richard Donner helmed those films and we even get a pointless cameo by Lethal Weapon co-star Danny Glover as a bank robber).
(or MiGFiG) It started out as a jokey sort of story, nothing too serious and without a very clear idea of where it was going.
Her jokey titles could come out of Pop Art, too.
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