Sentences with phrase «too little closet»

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Megan — that is too funny — actually i feel like i have been doing laundry daily — just getting the little ones closet ready
In his sport coat he looked like a little boy playing dress - up in his daddy's closet, until he became too embarrassed to wear it.
Honestly, my closet was looking a little too much like a walk through Costco.
We also were lucky to get a few new outfits for Little R at my baby shower, too, and I pre-washed them with Dreft purtouch before I put them away in his newly organized closet.
My daughter's bedroom was on the second floor, so when I was putting away laundry, and it got a little too quiet, I might find her in the closet in her room, grunting out a bowel movement.
Your baby grows so fast so it's easy to have a closet full of clothes that are too little.
I've been really into the combination of light pink & gray lately and simply can't wait for it to get a little bit colder so I can whip out an amazing gray Carin Wester coat that has been hiding in my closet for way too long.
In hindsight, I was probably a little too aggressive on my closet purge — especially when it came to tops and blouses for work.
I spent part of my 4th o f July holiday doing a little online browsing and came across way too many cute things that may eventually make their way into my closet.
I needed a place to hang my excess inventory of coats (3 years in Chicago will do that to you), long dresses and just bulkier items that take up too much room in a tiny little closet so this closet rod was really a savior.
The colour is really fresh and fun, too, and as I have so little baby blue in my closet, I think it would get a lot of wear.
I need to learn to shop my closet more too, I get into a funk where I think I need more clothes, but if I just got a little creative I'd realize I have way too many:-P Happy Friday!
It's the perfect little skirt for the holidays too!!!! I say it's an essential for your closet!
You can never have too many little black or white dresses in your closet.
It was really a little too dressy to wear to church, but I couldn't let it just sit in my closet any longer.
Pause for a little the raid to your grandma's closet and take a look at your grandpa's too.
And if your closet is getting just a little too overwhelmed, make sure to stop by my blog, LivingLesh, and read my post about recycling old clothes in order to earn money to buy your new clothes.
It accomplishes several things: my closet never gets too full, I can make a little money, and I can shop for great deals.
However, this pinstriped one is a little bit too big so it might be going in my Poshmark closet very soon.
Maybe you spend a little too much on clothing and you really don't need to have the latest fashion item, when suitable clothing is still hanging in your closet unused.
But stocking your little one's closet with secondhand clothes is one of the easiest ways to save money — since the used items are sold for a fraction of the price; to save resources, since you aren't encouraging consumption by buying brand new; and to save yourself from worrying about every tackle, fall, and spill that could ruin that pricey (but too cute to resist sweater).
I am very blessed to have lots of closet space (mostly because my kids are too little to use their closets yet!)
And outside I created a little Privacy Screen out of old closet doors and made some subway planter boxes too!
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