Sentences with phrase «too much debate»

It also mitigates too much debate and disagreement locking their blockchain in place and without upgrades.
And too many decisions and too much debate about schools seem, as he wrote, «completely disconnected to the teaching of children.»
Too much debate treats temperature (and especially the most recent global average) as the sole indicator, whereas many other factors are at play including sea levels, ocean acidity, ice sheets, ecosystem trends, and many more.
Too much debate about scriptural authority has had the form of people hitting one another with locked suitcases.
Too many organizations spend too much debating if something is going to be big.

Not exact matches

From a new, freelance marketplace to the ongoing, furious debate about whether or not the world's largest «professional» network is becoming too much like Facebook, there's plenty to ponder.
But even though Davis follows politics more closely than most entrepreneurs, he still works too many hours to pay much attention to Washington policy debates.
The week kicked off with some debate over just how much Apple is doing to safeguard kids who are spending too much time on their iPhones and not enough time communicating with others.
If you've spent that much time debating it, it's probably too late.
«Too much of the debate about monetization and the future of publishing in particular has artificially restricted itself to monetizing text.
Brooks said the debate over her position as CEO of News International was now too much of a distraction for parent company News Corp. and she would concentrate on refuting allegations in the scandal.
While we can't reveal too much, it will be addressing the hotly debated topic of paying college Read more about Week 49 — Secret Basketball Project -LSB-...]
«Too Much Noise: The Debate on Foreign Exchange Rate Variability and Policies to Control It,» C.D. Howe Institute Commentary 72, by Mark Chandler and David Laidler (October).
But while I've certainly weighed in on this debate many times, I believe it's just one example of a topic that receives far too much attention from investors and market watchers alike.
I pray to whichever holy name (God, Allah, Jehovah, Krishna, Jesus, etc.) suits the ONE Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent being that ignorance is wiped away from our species and we become a closer, more loving, peaceful creature and that we realize how much time we waste and how much further we push our fellow neighbor and brother under God, regardless of creed, away debating over who's God is better and discover the error of our ways before we destroy each other... before it's too late, because The End is Nigh!!!!! LOL!!!!! Really though, isn't the world full of enough tragedy, and aren't their so many more important things that need our energy and attention like the innocent children in Pakistan dying from diseases from the flood or the homeless children in our own country, or the lack of education, which is exactly what leads to this kind of debate?
But the Republicans shouldn't limit debates too much.
Atheists, well, most of»em spend a little too much time debating something that doesn't mean a bloody thing.
We absolutely do spend too much time debating issues when we should be obeying the clear stuff.
Those hoping for a hard - hitting debate, or a quick and full resolution of the questions, were bound to be disappointed: the three interlocutors were much too patient, irenic, and thoughtful for that.
How would any country in the mid east react if I and 30 Christians hoped in planes and took out 3000 people... (I am not Christian and would likely not ride in a plane with that many neurotic people, but for arguments sake... personally I think religion is the fastest road to hell, but that's another debate)... the answer is simple... Jihad... how do I make such a simple 1 word answer... Ayatollah in Iran... he has a Jihad panic button... Osama Bin Laden... he has one too... that dude in Iran that no one knows or cares how to pronounce... has 2... one for the world and one for Israel... and pretty much anyone with keys to a mosque.
A third trend in the postliberal school takes a very different tack, arguing that postliberal theology as a whole is overly preoccupied with epistemological debates and is too much focused on conserving tradition.
But then, perhaps I'm asking too much of contemporary debate and discourse.
Too often the debate between a Bernard of Clairvaux and a Peter Abelard is read in terms of the latter's so - called heterodoxy when it was just as much about Bernard's progressive vision of a church disentangled from the control of secular princes over against Abelard's more conservative view of an ordered relation of patronage and rule between secular rulers and sacred institutions.
Some of our friends and acquaintances put a great deal of effort into holding creatively themed birthdays and getting their kids into the right dance classes and sport programs, identifying peanut allergies and purchasing BPA - free water bottles, and having endless conversations about the negative effects of too much technology in the home, frequently interrupted by pinging phones and debates about which phone plan is best.
Over the last several decades the academic study of religion has been marked by a debate that, put much too simply, pits a «Yale school» against a....
However, in our opinion, and here we would include Hans Urs von Balthasar, these thinkers bear too much of a Hegelian flavour to be truly consistent with Catholic tradition - notwithstanding de Lubac's outstanding contributions to the nature - grace debate.
But just as political debate has much to learn from a continual return to the Republic, so, too, Newman's Idea of a University never ceases to inspire, cajole, admonish, delight — and depress.
Debates about this will easily generate much more heat than light unless the energy of both sides is focused on the right question, which is: «Given that 200,000 abortions a year is far too many, how can a deliverable change in the law most effectively reduce that number?»
The series will combine «religious and spiritual debate» with «personal stories of self - discovery,» the BBC said, with the physical challenge proving too much for some.
I'm loving the cleaning power so much, I'm honestly debating going back and getting a coral pack too!
After much debate, I decided to bake something, but still about a month away from Thanksgiving, it seemed too early for pumpkin pie.
These tender vegan banana chocolate chip muffins are studded with rich chocolate chips, crunchy walnuts, and flavored with a hint of cinnamon.I've spent way too much time debating whether or not to post this one.
This is where good cholesterol will reduce the bad cholesterol but I will not go into too much detail as doctors still debate on this.
«While there is debate about optimal levels of dietary sodium, there is no doubt that the typical American diet contains too much,» said David L. Katz, MD, MPH.
It's clear, you are carrying too much history to debate in good faith (or rather, debate at all).
He had the most prolific college career of all time and we are still debating if he should be a top 10 pick because he likes to win TOO much...
Without delving too much into a Guardiola vs Enrique debate, having Lucho as coach suits this current version of Barcelona much better.
For the perfectionist or the procrastinator, it can be easy to spend too much time on each section, trying to get everything just right or debating too long on how you want it organized.
I have never taken too much of an interest in the debate over breast feeding vs. formula.
After countless hours surfing cloth diaper sites online and way, way, way, way too much internal debate, I finally opted to start with prefolds, pre-fitteds, and covers sized for a newborn.
Some of this role requires intervention (for example, a warning to stop speaking over an opponent wouldn't go amiss), but too much would interrupt the flow of the debate.
And it eliminates the inconvenience of listening to turgid second - reading debates about far too much legislation that can just as easily be monitored on television from the comfort of an office.
Conservatives want to cut up to 5 % from the program, but the bill up for debate cuts about 1 % percent, which some legislators say is still too much.
We must also force our way into a debate that threatens, as per the NHS Bill, to become too much about the governing parties.
«I think everybody in the legislature is on board supporting getting ridesharing here in Western New York and I don't think it would be too much of a debate,» Lorigo said.
And yet these days, across much of the Westminster village at least, the environment is being written off by campaign chiefs on both left and right: too expensive in hard times; a distraction from more pressing debates.
Dietl met all expectations, spending much of the night in a frenzy, often yelling into a microphone that was turned off after Louis determined he was interrupting the rest of the debate too much.
«Far too much teaching at school has already degenerated into this kind of debate (think, for example, of religious education or philosophy), more suitable for the pub than the schoolroom,» Baroness Warnock argues.
As the debate unfolded the questions consisted of too much historical and philosophical minutia seemingly tailor - made to make Libertarians seem hopelessly eccentric to a national audience, far too little dealing with the news and concerns of the 2016 election.
Remain campaign turns on Boris Johnson over # 350m «lie» in ITV debate; Andy Burnham says Labour has been «too much Hampstead, not enough Hull»
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