Sentences with phrase «too much focus»

I found the photography to be a little «claustrophobic» and not really giving a good view of the whole room; too much focus on details.
Too many people give this payout scheme too much focus.
A common mistake Ferry sees growing companies make is placing too much focus on hiring sales associates while ignoring other positions that can help agents focus on sales.
Many couples get off track, with too much focus on parenting children, too many involvements in civic or church activities, or poor boundaries with regard to the demands of their work.
Even the child psychology theories by John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth has been criticized for placing too much focus on the mother (and not other important caregivers) it does provide us with valuable insights into infant bonding and the importance of basic psychological security.
* Too much focus on the applicant's needs and not the needs of the position.
The resume is about you and your choices; be wary to do damage to your resume by placing too much focus on other information contained in your resume.
Everything about the resume should scream «IT Project Manager» - too much focus on sales will cause a concern among hiring managers that he might be a jack of all trades but master of none.
Many job seekers put far too much focus on quantity rather than quality during their hunt for a job.
This type of resume does not give too much focus on the work experiences of an individual.
Too much focus on duties — the HR managers already know about these; you don't need to remind them again
The majority, the dissenting judge said, placed too much focus on Schoettmer's lawyer.
Pryor concludes that there is too much focus on getting a traditional legal role.
A criticism often levelled at merit - based pay models is that lawyers will put too much focus on competing with each other instead of competing with rival firms, further complicating the challenge of striking the right balance to best attract and retain talent.
There was too much focus on «partner primacy» (a stand - in for shareholder primacy or income per partner metrics), and not enough emphasis on corporate social responsibility or maintaining internal integration within the firm.
The panel's philosophical conclusion: there is too much focus on energy.
And on the one side, I think in context of what Jim Rogers has said, there's too much focus on the running at this point.
There's too much talk about LEED, too much focus on new green buildings and products, and too many competitions aimed at «totally re-imagining» something rather than working with what we already have.»
Critics blame the kind of short - sightedness that sent Brookman to the exit and often results in too much focus on present high electric rates instead of long - term electricity costs paired with climate change benefits.
He added: «I think there is too much focus on trying to stimulate an increasingly sterile debate on the science, given the overwhelming body of opinion that there is now in favour of the science, and perhaps if they are wanting to have an active debate they should be talking about the policy responses to that science, rather than the science itself,» he said.
In Paris, too much focus on te «politically feasible», too little on the environment.
I agree there are issues with front - page play sometimes and too much focus on some frothy stuff.
The ACVS survey found that this perceived lack of personal benefit is the result of too much focus on solving global warming for the sake of the environment alone, which is not enough to motivate all citizens.
My fear is that too much focus, without careful explanation of what is involved in making it work, could become a distraction from the most important thing we need to do - which is lowering emissions.
Too much focus and attention can not be placed on this one issue about the complexity in the «words» being used, in my view.
I'm concerned there is too much focus on 2100, or only looking at the «next 100 - 150 years», presumably because most people just can't handle worrying about farther ahead.
Rosen asserted that putting too much focus on research aimed at energy breakthroughs was «dangerous» because it might encourage people «to put off investment in the many good renewable technologies that we have today, in the hope that something dramatically better will come along in the future.»
I try not to engage recognizable body parts, which would give it too much focus.
It is usually a time when culture and art can play an important part, whereas in a boom period there is too much focus on the hype around the boom and on all the alluring baubles it holds out before us.»
«At present, there's too much focus on the technologies that enable it and not the human factors that will govern take - up,» says the agency.
However, its possible Omega Force put too much focus on one design aspect which caused the developers to disregard others.
All in all, a pretty decent presser for Sony, but too much focus on multi-platform stuff - with it either coming first to ps4 or it having bonus content on the machine.
Too much focus on challenges and rewards.
Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme VS Force is a fun but muddled action - strategy game that puts a bit too much focus on the strategy aspect.
Is there an app for single player component like ME3 or are Bioware putting too much focus on multiplayer already.
Too much focus on bad news, business and the impending doom of everything.
Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme VS Force is a fun but muddled action - strategy game that puts a bit too much focus on the...
This ends up harming the story, however, as there is too much focus on the exposition rather than where the plot is going.
There is not a lot of games in the same caliber as Uncharted 4 due to mismanagement, greed, and too much focus on the superficial not on gameplay mechanics or game content.
Sometimes, too much focus is given to fat, protein, and carbohydrates, and not enough attention is given to what we're doing to support our dogs» digestive health.
Dr. McCutcheon said he thinks animal medicine risks moving in a troubling direction by placing too much focus on treating symptoms rather than the root cause of a problem.
I see many people put too much focus on dominating these dogs, misinterpreting their active and curious nature for being «bad», or disobedient, or dominant.
Most traders put far too much focus into satellite strategies to the detriment of their core investments.
But too much focus on growth can lead you to buy stocks that are in the broker / media limelight.
Again, perhaps my struggle with trading all along has been too much focus on entry points and not enough money management.
There's too much focus on saving.
They argue that too much focus on specific cases — e.g., the U.S. stock market in the last century — has made a statistical peculiarity seem like an economic law.
In Today's Deals, today theres not too much focus on tech; we've got deals on Crocs, hammocks, Tumi bags and a food storage set.
Many indie authors place too much focus on the KDP Select Fund that is distributed to those enrolled in the program.
There's too much focus on flash and a single title launch, not enough on long - term sustainability and easy maintenance from the author's POV.
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