Sentences with phrase «too picky»

Don't be too picky.
I was afraid because I felt like I was being too picky.
I love kitchen signs but I'm always too picky on the wording to buy one... so the old pergola out front is missing a few boards and I'm practicing my hand lettering - MIREPOIX, french for sautéed vegetables (usually onions, carrots and celery) is the perfect fit.
Remember that you can never be too picky — if you see any of these signs don't hesitate to walk away!
Being too picky on price.
I think it goes deeper than just being too picky.
If you have never even met anyone that comes close to your list of «must haves,» then you may indeed be too picky.
For our commenters on LuvemOrLeavem, the difference between high standards and too picky is usually determined by how specific the woman's requirements are for choosing a man.
Of course if your idea of a guy who is fit is defined by his Body Mass Index falling within a narrow range, then yes, I would say you are too picky.
YES I think some of the woman are too picky for sure.
-LSB-...] Posts: Are You Too Picky?
I don't think it's that they women are too picky.
We gals do tend to be too picky... and yes if you're already in a relationship it can strain the relationship unbearably.
Due to a huge number of job - seekers, companies have become too picky and have arrived at a multifaceted recruitment process to determine the perfect candidate for a certain job position.
I am moving to a new city and have been trying to find a new job (preferably in my chosen field, but I'm not too picky).
Recruiters have grown too picky when choosing the right man / woman for the job.
It's easy to assume that startup leaders aren't too picky in their hiring.
Keep your goal in mind but don't be too picky to start with.
That said, when searching for a job while unemployed, it's important to not take the first thing that comes along, but it's also important not to be too picky.
Settle down too quickly, and you might never meet Mr or Mrs Perfect, get too picky and you may end up rejecting someone who is highly suitable for you.
Am I being too picky with my software?
Honestly, if you're not too picky about features and just want a simple smart plug that works, you could literally just print off a list of smart plug models and throw a dart at it to choose one.
That said, if you are not too picky, it might work for you.
And obviously, you can't be TOO picky otherwise you'd never see any clients.
Now it's a behemoth — the largest art fair in New York — and often not too picky, so you may see the widest range of credible to semi-credible art here.
I love a good bit of Steampunk, but I also acknowledge that good Steampunk games are few and far between... Or maybe I'm just too picky... Either way, when I came across Skyborn, I had to play it and see how it faired.
I'm not too picky when it comes to video games; if it's fun or has a good story, chances are I'll be a fan.
Also, I would have liked to have seen a preview of the moves before I bought them, but maybe I'm being too picky.
You're too picky and spoiled.
I would've preferred that American Express / Hilton gave them a few stay credits towards status instead, but at the end of the day you can't be too picky when it comes to things like that.
Often you won't know exactly what to expect, so it helps a lot if you're open - minded when it comes to food, and not too picky.
I've never been too picky about hotels.
I'm not too picky about what I eat.
As we neared downtown I realized I'd been throwing beads too sparingly, I'd been too picky.
I noticed I could get a portion of the photo somewhat in focus, but once I started to let go and not be too picky about it, I began to have a little fun with this optic.
Just like with flights, Priceline offers a feature to help you save a ton on hotels — as long as you aren't too picky about hotel choice.
This flea is not too picky when finding a host to feed on and is commonly found on both dogs and cats.
Though most of the available dogs will be mutts, if you are not too picky, you, the educated consumer, can find a great dog or puppy.
And, not to be too picky - but I also want something that adds a bit of disinfection, while not breaking the bank cost-wise either!
You can't be too picky when it comes to feeding your Maltese.
I know many people who foster cats for a certain rescue in my area, and while they have criterion on who to or not to adopt out to, they're not too picky, and most kittens are adopted out within weeks, and adults are adopted out within a few months.
Sometimes, pet owners become too picky about rewarding behaviors and decrease food rewards too quickly.
Sometimes it's not a matter of the cat being too picky.
Either way, having a cat that is too picky or a cat that is simply trying to keep their paws clean the result is the same: the cat's poop or urine will end up in places you don't want.
I WAS trying to adopt a small mixed breed dog (not too picky about color etc..)
If you are not too picky with your puppy's appearance, then there is no reason to worry if his ears have not perked up by five months of age.
maybe I'm just being too picky!
Also, there are many items listed on Kijiji for free, you could technically pay nothing if you're not too picky.
As long as you're not too picky about making a lot of money off interest, Huntington is a solid place to park your cash.
No, I haven't added any of that position yet — I'm being far too picky, as it keeps creeping up & I have other things I want to buy also... But it remains on my potential buy list.
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