Sentences with phrase «tools someone employ»

Luckily for landlords and property managers, the same tools employed by most lending institutions are available in some form to property managers and landlords.
The solution to this is all the other tools employed in a personalized learning experience, which doesn't just happen digitally.
His goal is to empower the individual investor with direct access to the same strategies and risk management tools employed by major institutions.
Fitness training uses tools; the kettlebell or the dumbbell, but the real tool you employ is your body.
Our sentence combining tool employs cutting - edge language analysis software so that we can assess the quality of student responses and provide students with immediate feedback.
Where intuition and creativity are tools employed alongside evidence - based therapeutic models.
It should be noted that any claims of child abuse and domestic violence must be taken very seriously, and all forensic and legal tools employed to determine whether a child has been harmed.
During this time, parents are trained to construct narratives — the primary tool employed by practitioners of this approach — that will facilitate the healing process for their child.
In a big sense, this meant independence from the risk management tools employed by publishers.
But they believed they could work with the kinds of tools employed in evolutionary ecology to answer important questions about language prehistory.
The aim of this article is to look back at my life through the various tools employed by I / O Psychology in the areas of narrative -LSB-...]
Several interested stakeholders are calling for a national Canadians with Disabilities Act to cover the key areas stated above, but also to standardize the requirements across the federal government instead of the patchwork of multiple tools employed in multiple policy areas.
So the race will be an experiment in whether a campaign that is essentially broke but that has drawn national attention can catch fire using some of the same tools she employed as a state legislator.»
For instance, tools employing artificial intelligence remove the drudgery and add predictive suggestions, making collaboration faster and easier.
As for the substantive content of rationing decisions, I am most drawn to the British National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE)... One of the main (though not exclusive) economic tools it employs is that of Quality - Adjusted Life Years (QALYs), a way of relating the estimated extended life years a technology will bring in relationship to the quality of life it will bring.
One can see this by noting the impossibility of defining any given practice without including in the definition either reference to bodily action or reference to physical media of communication among practitioners and the physical tools they employ in the practice.
which instruments, which tools it employs in analyzing, understanding and interpreting the realities around.
According to a recent article, a «debate is stirring about whether ice - for decades a medicinal tool employed by physicians, athletic trainers and soccer moms alike - is effective in limiting swelling and enabling athletes to return to action.»
When 60 % of stops and searches in London are looking for drugs (mostly low level possession offences) and only 10 % for knives, the suggestion that it is a vital tool employed to target knife crime is disingenuous.
Third, embassies need to migrate to the digital tools employed by Diasporas.
Most computer tools employed today to detect possible adverse effects of compounds that are candidates for new medicines are based on detecting labile fragments in the drug's structure.
Dr Piazza said: «The 4Ns are a powerful pervasive tool employed by individuals to diffuse the guilt one might otherwise experience when consuming animal products.»
Among the state - of - the - art tools we employ at Broad Ripple Animal Clinic is a laparoscopic surgical unit.
Telemedicine is another advanced veterinary tool employed by Shallowford Animal Hospital.
Presented in the artist's signature red enamel frame, works such as Untitled (Your Fact is Stranger than Fiction), (1983) draw upon Kruger's own background as a magazine designer, adopting the same visual tools employed by the mass media in order to examine the cultural constructions of power, identity and sexuality.
And, of course, any scope limitations or process specifics that you negotiate with the opposing party will also be a factor in determining what tools you employ and how narrowly you target in a given matter.
A lot of predictive coding tools employ a relevancy score, which essentially rates the system's confidence on a document's relevance.
Resume being the first tool employed to create a lasting impression on the hiring manager, holds its importance for any job aspirant today.
The aim of this article is to look back at my life through the various tools employed by I / O Psychology...
The principles the group is fighting for are noble ones, but the tools they employ leave much to be desired.
Also note that this tool employs a «dumb» algorithm.
This is a tool employed by central banks to stimulate the economy during a recession or in anticipation of a recession.
The good news is that those lessons are being learned and the tools employed.
Omatseye is one of the tools employed for the agenda to create an alternative hero for the Yorùbá Nation.
Some of the tools employed are dumbbells ranging from 2 pounds up to 15 pounds, medicine balls, body weight, and common equipment used in any sports practice (e.g cones, small hurdles, and agility ladders).
Attractive profiles: It is yet another tool employed by most of the fake free dating websites that they have less but very attractive profiles.
A considered and coherent, evidence - based approach to integrating technology into all curricula is necessary, since «excellent teaching can be enhanced with thoughtful consideration for the tools employed» (Yerrick & Johnson, 2009, p. 306).
Make sure that the tools you employ are comfortable for you.
Her artistic project demands the preeminence of her mark, which, depending on the tool she employs, renders a peripatetic blackness.
Innovative combination of materials and creative forms are the tools employed to realize these concepts.
«A lawsuit is supposed to be a search for the truth, and the tools employed in that search are the rules of discovery.
The tools you employ are also a reflection of your brand, and your choice in smartphone is part of that image.
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