Sentences with phrase «tooth erosion»

Tooth erosion means the wearing away of the protective outer layer of our teeth due to acid or other substances. It can cause sensitivity and weaken our teeth, leading to cavities or other dental problems. Full definition
As previously mentioned, one of the best ways to protect against tooth erosion is to avoid sugar and acidic foods.
However, a study conducted at the University of Bern in Switzerland with the participation of a researcher supported by a scholarship from the São Paulo Research Foundation — FAPESP showed that none of the nine analyzed toothpastes was capable of mitigating enamel surface loss, a key factor in tooth erosion and dentin hypersensitivity.
However, make sure you don't drink more than the recommended dose, because excess consumption could potentially lead to negative effects, including tooth erosion, damaged stomach lining and low potassium levels.
It also contains fluoride, a mineral that protects against tooth erosion and is found in toothpaste and some mouthwashes.
But pediatricians say kids who continue to feed from a bottle past the recommended age may be at higher risk of a number of ills including speech problems, tooth erosion and deformation, and, not surprisingly, trouble letting the bottle go.
And diet soda isn't much better: diet versions, which contain artificial sweeteners like aspartame and sucralose, have been linked to increased risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, depression, and tooth erosion.
It claims to be infused with unique formulation of 3 primary whitening gels designed to produce an optimum whiter effect within 10 minutes whilst ensuring no tooth erosion occurs.
Determining any of your pet's oral health issues is dependent on our complete dental exam; in particular, our full - mouth dental radiographs are instrumental procedures in identifying issues such as evidence of gum or tooth erosion, gingivitis or excessive plaque buildup.
Should we find any issue — such as evidence of gum or tooth erosion, gingivitis, «cat cavities, «or fractured teeth — we will discuss this with you and offer treatment options for your cat.
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