Sentences with phrase «toothpaste out of the tube»

Allowing unlimited entertainment time on screens (TV, tablets, phones) is like letting toothpaste out of the tube.

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The analogy he used was that it's like pushing toothpaste out of it's tube.
Don't let your child swallow the toothpaste or eat it out of the tube because an overdose of fluoride can be harmful to kids.
«It's more like toothpaste extruding out of a tube,» he says.
«This isn't like toothpaste coming out of a tube,» said Juan Carlos del Alamo, professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at the Jacobs School of Engineering at UC San Diego, who led a multidisciplinary team for this study, together with postdoctoral researcher Pablo Martinez - Legazpi and Dr. Javier Bermejo's group of cardiologists at Gregorio Marañon Hospital.
When I spread out the illustration, the rendering of the chromosome looked like Sanskrit squeezed from a toothpaste tube; it was far too technical.
The third device is a tube that is designed to function as a peristaltic pump — a compressed section travels down the length of the tube, much like someone squeezing out the last bit of toothpaste by running their finger along the tube.
Then, like toothpaste coming out of a tube, it squirted back southward to emerge at the Himalayas, where it pushed up a chunk of Asia to make the mountains the tallest on the planet.
The third device is a tube that is designed to function as a peristaltic pump — a compressed section travels down the length of the tube, much like someone squeezing out the last bit of toothpaste by running their finger along the tube», stated the team.
And back again I went into the vicious cycle of being moody for no good reason, hiding my ever - increasing cystic acne, and feeling like an overstuffed tube of toothpaste in my clothes - squishing and squeezing out of every nook and cranny.
If the previous generation wanted paint to look as good as fresh out of the tube, Murray could be squeezing a toothpaste tube.
The same late work also starts to bulge and to flow, as if out of an active volcano or a toothpaste tube.
Hart's Boohoo Boob Tube — an oversize pair of squeezed - out toothpaste or paint tubes ending in raw, red nipples — emphasized the physical and emotional stresses of motherhood.
Hart's string of real sausages, shaped to form the words «YOUR BACK» accompany a huge ceramic locket, squeezed out toothpaste tubes and multiple ceramic «nagging» feet.
With his squiggly line of acid green on top, he could be a little boy squeezing toothpaste right out of the tube.
For investors like Spark Capital General Partner Megan Quinn, «the toothpaste is out of the tube
Quinn, an investor in the crypto trading platform Coinbase, says «the toothpaste is out of the tube
Can we just stand back and admire how we no longer have to run down 2 sets of steps to retrieve a new tube of toothpaste when we discover the tube we are using is fully squished out?
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