Sentences with phrase «top attacker»

The phrase "top attacker" refers to a person or entity that is the most skilled or powerful in causing harm or launching aggressive actions against others. Full definition
he is much less than average... Goals per game and assists over last four years makes him an average attacker and along way behind top attackers in rival teams which is the comparison that matters....
Sol Campbell has revealed who he believes could help Arsenal challenge for the title next season, in the belief that a top defender and top attacker need to be prioritised.
Ozil Wilshere Ramsey Cazorla Elneny Zelalem are expert midfield maestros orchestrating symphonic footballing synergy 18 top top attackers.
If that's the case (we don't buy defensive players) then Wenger MUST sign more than one Top attacker to compensate.
And if we get a top attacker either a top CF or winger in the summer then we will have a great chance next season as well
A top attacker needs three qualities: pace, skill and intelligence.
Yes it is possible Arsenal will let Wellbeck or Giroud go if a top attacker is signed.
If we lose Alexis we will need 2 top attackers.
Honestly, we always needed another top attacker in addition to Alexis.
Here are what I am going to do in my fantasy arsenal: — Give Sanchez what he needs (I will be very hesitated to sign again for Arsenal)... — Try to secure Ozil services, if he is not interested go and get Payet... — Cazorla must stay for at least one more year... — Don't care what it costs, just sign two top attackers (fighters like Sanchez) and get rid of Giroud... — But before doing all the above, GET a new manager (Fighter like Simeoni)
We need another top attacker regardless, and if Alexis does inevitably go at the end of the season then we are doing to need 2 new top attackers!
Auba is a top attacker.
Same probably applies up front if we want a top attacker we probably need to offload an Ox or a Walcott but would they leave their well paid comfy lifestyle?
If you want a top striker you are going to have to look for a top attacker with the right physical attributes to convert.
It's seems Every season we have a top attacker who loses form This season Alexis Last season Ozil Season before Giroud went 15 matches without a goal.
Wenger should have (he still has time to do it) got a top CM like Seri, Carvalho, Goretzka, a top attacker like Lemar or Draxler and ideally a CB
And what if it's not all smoke and mirrors and we do actually sign a top attacker??
We need at least a top attacker and CB to even it out.
He can afford all the best attackers which also know how to defend, that's the secret to his success (top attackers that graft for him).
If Wenger knew he would not get another Top attacker and CM then he should not have sold OX.
He and Campbell played very well I still being we need to sign a top attacker but I was very happy with these two
Another reason why we shoulda given City the injury prone Jack and used the 40 mill to help fund a top attacker or DM.
Arsenal lost Alexis Sanchez in the winter transfer window and replaced him by signing a top attacker in the form of Henrikh Mkhitaryan.
The top attackers in world football are reliable; they often find themselves in the right places to get high quality chances meaning you can count on them to put the ball in the back of the net with regularity.
After the VAR - decided Dempsey ejection, they lost another top attacker and player on the pitch.
In recently finished transfer window, one of the top attackers of Barcelona Neymar has moved to the Paris SG for his better future and so, the team has fallen into trouble for his perfect replacement.
Whether or not Arsenal or Liverpool were genuinely interested in the 29 - year - old is anyone's guess but regardless, one of Europe's top attackers has been snatched up by City.
They have still one of the top attacker Luis Suarez in their team who is still one of the top three forward of Barcelona.
Liverpool will need to sign a top attacker if star playmaker Philippe Coutinho leaves the club this summer.
Not to forget, the Red Devils have also signed a top attacker in the form of Henrikh Mkhitaryan from Dortmund.
She also ignores other dog attacks, to make it seem like bully breeds are the top attackers.
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