Sentences with phrase «top of the details»

You get all this, on top of a detailed valuation of your own home.
He is an extremely impressive and effective advocate who gets on top of the details extremely fast and is quick on his feet.
It is prudent on your part to be on top of the details offered by an auto insurer so you don't end up underinsured or paying more for less.
She was always on top of every detail involved from the photos to the final sale which was only ten days.
Customers notice everything, even the floors, so make sure that you stay on top of the details and keep them comfortable and happy.
The final challenge will be for Gibraltar to stay on top of the detail of the four thousand existing Gibraltar - relevant EU regulations as well as future ones, only some of which need to be incorporated into Gibraltar's domestic law.
You and your wonderful Paula kept on top of every detail as the application and approval process progressed.
After being called out by the head coach because he wasn't on top of the details in the first preseason game, Lee appeared to pick it up a bit against the Bears.
She was on top of every detail at all times and we have
The Group has a trained staff in our Escrow Department that assists the Group Realtor stay on top of the details of the contract.
See new time entries, document uploads, and more — so that you can be on top of every detail as it happens.
Most importantly, it sounded like the Labour leader was simply more on top of the details of a policy than Cameron.
Especially if you run a fast - growing company, you might expect that your job entails staying on top of every detail, meeting, and conversation inside the business — let alone insuring that all your people are performing.
Attention to Detail — If you're going to lead an early stage business you need to be on top of all your details.
They'll be saying the British Government had no plan, no strategy, weren't on top of the detail and were poor negotiators.
There are details on top of details, minutiae pile up to engulf the larger concepts one has espoused.
Instead, set calendar alerts to remind yourself to track expenses per day, week, or month so that you can stay on top of the details.
• Stay organized and on top of details.
If you can stay on top of details, keep track of dates, pay your bills in full and on time, and if you are already spending enough to meet the requirements, this could be a helpful hobby for you, as it has for me.
You should also form the good habit early on of compiling chronologies and lists of the important witnesses (dramatis personae) and any other device which can help you remain on top of the detail.
The practice is led by Richard Palmer, a «great negotiator» who is «very good technically, has unmatched pragmatism and is always on top of the details».
A «master tactician and strategist» with «extensive industry knowledge»; he is «very good at assessing the overall merits of a case and getting on top of the details»
A «master tactician and strategist» with «extensive industry knowledge»; he is «very good at assessing the overall merits of a case and getting on top of the details» The Legal 500 UK 2017
«He is calm, bright and always on top of the detail
«He is very good at getting on top of the detail and is a great cross-examiner who presents complex issues in a simple manner.»
She has a tremendous grasp of jurisdictional issues and is really, really on top of the detail
When I first knew him he was incisive and impressively on top of the details of any matter under discussion.
Here are our top job search resources to keep you motivated, make you aware of effective strategies and help you stay on top of the details.
Stay on top of the details.
Jason stayed on top of every detail, and we can't thank him enough for listening to all of our needs and wants and finding the perfect property for our family.
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