Sentences with phrase «top of the leg»

The victim was then run over by the tractor - trailer, which stopped on top of his legs.
Bring your chest over top of your legs and release your hands down to the ground.
Rest a plate on top of legs and weigh down with several 28 - oz.
The er docs said this happens once in a while and to either not hold your kids in your lap on a slide or make sure their feet are on top of your legs where they can't come in contact with the slide.
They are both gone now but my housecats are still sitting next to me in the chair or on top of my legs in bed.
I needed extra chicken so I added 3 b / s breasts (not my favorite, but they were free) and put them on top of the legs and thighs.
The top of the leg is usually hollow, allowing other pallets to sit easily on top.
Turn over and score fat, concentrating mainly on breasts but extending to tops of legs.
Unlike the cotton underwear of yesteryear, Stacy says seamless boy shorts go over the butt and the top of the leg to create a completely smooth tush.
Lift your knees slightly by pressing your feet up on your toes, then lie your baby on her tummy on top of your legs.
Is the lap belt touching the tops of the legs?
The groin is the area at the top of the leg.
Use one hand in a C - shape to draw down from the top of the leg to the foot while the other hand holds baby's ankle, or do a comparable stroke up the leg to the hip.
The ideal rise setting will have the top of the leg elastic fitting in the top crease of your babies inner thigh.
Adult plant hoppers lose their gears, but still jump well: they rely on friction between the tops of the legs.
Hinge from the top of the legs and lower into a flat back, letting arms extended down toward the ground, thumbs facing each other.
Push your right hip down, feeling a stretch down the top of leg.
Your abductors include your glute medius and maximus, and the TFL, the small very important muscle that sits at the top of your leg and feeds into your IT band, adding stability to your knee.
This particular sequence goes through: ITB's, hamstrings, glutes then repeat on opposite leg; calves together (you can roll them individually when that gets easy by throwing the other leg on top, as shown); side of lower leg — muscles called the peroneals; tibialis anterior — shin area; inner thighs or adductors; quads; and last the TFL which is between your ITB and quad at the top of your leg just below your pelvis.
Push your right hip down, feeling a stretch down the top of the leg.
Your glutes are made up of an interconnected network of muscles that attach between your pelvic bone, sacrum (tailbone) and the head of your femur — the big bone at the top of your leg.
They wanted me to sit down and be hooked up to the monitor just to see the strength of my contractions and I was ready to sit down by this point, as the contractions were strong enough that I felt them in the top of my legs and they made me somewhat weak.
They started about 5 minutes apart and I was starting to feel them in the tops of my legs and in my cervix (those are my two signs that they are «real» and not just Braxton Hicks).
The inner thighs, or ADDuctor muscle group is a strong, supportive group of muscles that attach on the inside of our pubic bone (right at the top of our legs) and runs down to the inside of the knees.
Take a step forward with one leg, lowering yourself until the top of your leg is parallel to the floor.
This move will start just like the quad exercise, with you lying on the floor and the roller under the tops of both legs.
Then lie down on the floor so that the roller is directly under the tops of your legs.
Follow up with knee drops to get the pelvis and femur (top of the leg) to synchronize their movements.
For example, if you're trying to massage your quads, most of your body weight should be on the tops of your legs.
Moving slowly, roll back and forth at the top of your leg by your hip.
Spending a large portion of your day crushing your hamstrings into your femurs (the big bone in the top of your leg) is great way to induce hip impingement from shortened hip range of motion.
The athlete will be unable to even contract the calf muscle at all and in the case of a full rupture, a gap in the muscle can usually be felt where the muscle is torn bunches up towards the top of the leg.
As you become more stable, really focus on driving from the top of your legs and your bum.
So one example is the tops of the arms and the tops of the legs, i.e. the upper arm bone and the thigh bone, both move back in the sockets of the joints and when they are rooted firmly in the sockets of the joints, the congruency of the joints is better, it's stronger.
Notice the large hip joint angle from the top of the legs to the hip.
So, in its place of coaching them once per week at the top of your leg day, target them thrice per week by adding them into different coaching days with other body parts this is termed as high frequency.
This did not stop the pain in my legs all up the front of the tops of my legs, so maybe not going to do my yoga again tomorrow unless when i wake up they feel better.
Shift the weight toward your right side and use your hands to externally rotate the left thigh, turning the inside seam of the top of your leg upward, toward the sky.
You can also try the Yab - Yum position: The male partner sits down cross-legged, while the female sits down on top of his legs and faces him.
The scars from self harm cover the tops of my legs, and hints are on my arm.
It was the worst under my arms, on the sides of my stomach, on my pelvis, and on my elbow... but it also spread minimally to the tops of my legs, the middle of my stomach, and my chest.
Extend your legs and rotate them outward from the top of the leg.
Sharara is a bottom wear that is fitted with a top of legs to bottom, presently looks like trousers but this ankle length bottom wear is different from lehengas and trouser in various ways.
The apron should be level with the top of the legs.
I will definitely be wearing these on top of my leggings & pajamas while working at home, where the floors are oh - so cold, brrrrr.
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