Sentences with phrase «top policy»

It offers information and comparisons of top policies without trying to promote or sending your information to the insurance carriers.
We have top policy makers, technology experts and journalists talking all about the role the federal government plays in the development of new vehicles and alternative fuels like clean diesel.
It is the only magazine that inspires top policy and decision - makers who work to ensure a vibrant education for every child.
Sam Magavern, executive director of the Partnership for the Public Good, said their 264 partner organizations have made lead poisoning prevention their «top policy priorities for 2017».
The primary point of contention stems from Clement's abrupt, involuntary reassignment to an office that collects oil company royalty checks from his post as top policy advisor, where he focused primarily on the deleterious effects of climate change on Alaskan communities.
Top policy officials at the AARP are trying to make the future of Social Security and Medicare top issues for the 2012 election cycle.
Steyer's top policy adviser on climate is Kate Gordon, who previously worked at the Center for American Progress, an influential liberal think tank in Washington.
AWEA Wind Power on Capitol Hill is a rare opportunity for AWEA members and others who want to help advance wind energy to participate in advocacy training and then put that training to work to educate legislators and their staff on the wind industry's top policy initiatives at both the state and federal level.
People for New York is loosely designed on the concept behind the now - defunct Committee to Save New York, which was funded by deep - pocketed business and real estate interests in support of Gov. Andrew Cuomo's top policy proposals (pension and tax reform, the property tax cap etc.) in the early years of his governship.
Top Policy Changes in China This Year The USA version of China's English language newspaper, China Daily, published the Top 10 policy changes in China in 2015.
Today's Siena poll finds New Yorkers share two of Gov. Andrew Cuomo top policy priorities — ethics reform and a property tax cap — and will hold chiefly the Senate Republicans to blame if either fails to pass this week — the last full scheduled work week of the 2011 legislative session.
That also just so happens to be the final scheduled day of the 2014 legislative session, during which none of the WFP's top policy agenda items — the DREAM Act, creation of a statewide public campaign finance system, the full 10 - point Women's Equality Act, decriminalization of possession of sall amounts of marijuana and a $ 10.10 minimum wage / local control over hourly wage icnreases — are likely to be passed by the Legislature.
Cuomo also got his second top policy priority: Paid Family Leave, for which New Yorkers will be eligible starting in 2018 after working for six months at a job.
The PPG and its hundreds of partners compile the agenda to help identify top policy actions that state and local government can act on in the coming year to improve the quality of life across the region.
The Baker Institute relies on endowments to help recruit, retain and recognize top policy fellows.
All of the Trump administration's likely nominees for Secretary of Education and top policy influencers are strong choice advocates.
We have a paper coming out on Monday in PNAS that reports some new behavioral economics research showing that this good will extends, as well, to how top policy makers think about including fairness when they make complex bargains.
One environmental and energy lobbyist with close ties to the White House said the administration had been inhibited by a number of factors, including vacancies in many top policy jobs, an intense early focus on the financial and economic crises, and an unwillingness to alienate business and Congressional leaders with a heavy - handed approach.
«Our goal is to enable customers to compare the prices of top policies in order to find the best options,» explains Harvey.
In a Pew Research Center poll last month, global warming came in second from the bottom on a list of Americans» 23 top policy priorities for 2015.
Teach Plus, for example, which connects groups of teachers to top policy makers in six cities, including Boston, Chicago and Memphis, helped alter the Indianapolis contract to ensure that teacher effectiveness was considered when laying off teachers with less than six years of experience.
De Peyer is a former aide to Vince Cable who was Alexander's top policy adviser throughout his five years as chief secretary to the Treasury.
AWEA Wind Power on Capitol Hill is a rare opportunity for AWEA members and others who want to help advance wind energy to participate in advocacy training and then put that training to work to educate legislators and their staff on the wind industry's top policy initiatives at both the state and federal level.
Still, the meeting is important, especially as the central bank prepares to usher in a change in its top policy makers, analysts say.
If they succeed, their tax overhaul will immediately become the top policy issue in the 2018 congressional elections.
Securing their release is one of the Prime Minister's top policy priorities, and he may suggest to Trump that if Kim is willing to do so it would be a sign that he is willing to negotiate in good faith.
Security may be the top policy issue for Republican voters, but the economy is the top concern for Democrats, independents and voters overall, according to Morning Consult's latest polling on the...
The extended firefighting forged strong bonds between Obama and his top policy makers.
At that point, the companies would have to begin haggling to fend off some proposals that would be intolerable, according to a top policy official at a major internet company.
But at a time when the president has identified climate change as one of his top policy priorities, an application that started as a routine regulatory matter has taken on outsize political importance in the United States.
There is not doubt that Larry Summers is excited by October G - 20 and IMF meetings as the top policy makers meet to discuss the state of the world economy and other significant global interests.
Trump reshuffled his national security organization, removing his chief strategist, Stephen Bannon, from a top policy - making committee and restoring senior military and intelligence officials who had been downgraded when he first came into office.
But it's no secret that the biggest sticking point of all was the minimum wage increase, which the governor made clear for weeks leading up to the April 1 deadline was his top policy priority.
Moving the horse racing at Aqueduct Racetrack in Ozone Park, Queens, to Belmont Park in Elmont is one of the top policy priorities of Long Island's largest business group.
With time running out, Congress today easily approved a short - term spending bill that would prevent a partial federal government shutdown over the weekend, but departed in advance of the president's first 100 day milestone (tomorrow) with addressing two of his top policy priorities: health care and a year - long budget deal.
«(Cuomo) shoehorned into appropriations bills his top policy proposals [and] I think he's going to see how far he can go,» said NYPIRG's Blair Horner said.
In setting up the NSC Cameron created a formal mechanism to force interaction between the heads of intelligence and the top policy makers.
His involvement as a top policy aide in the development of state budgets and other legislation has provided Mike with a broad understanding of state issues and the implications of policy initiatives.
Before that, he had taken a top policy role at SUNY.
In the days leading up to today's combined State of the State / budget address, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced no fewer than 12 initiatives and leaked out a handful more, aiming to ensure some of his top policy priorities get the coverage he believes they deserve.
He continued: «Our top policy priority is to deliver the necessary effective action on climate change and transport.
Public Affairs News reported this week that Osborne's former chief of staff, Thea Rogers, is taking a top policy and communications post at Deliveroo.
Delivering the response for the Senate Republicans, freshman Sen. Rich Funke, of Rochester, took swipes at two of Gov. Andrew Cuomo's top policy initiatives — the $ 1.5 billion upstate economic development competition and the $ 1.66 billion property tax relief plan — saying his conference wants to make sure all regions of the state benefit equally from the 2-15-16 budget.
Everyone will be waiting to hear what the governor has to say, and he'll be traveling around the state in advance of his speech to play up some of the highlights — making sure his top policy priorities get covered by the media and aren't lost in the shuffle.
The U.S. Senate early this morning passed a final version of the GOP tax plan, leaving Republicans and President Donald Trump within striking distance of the most sweeping overhaul of the tax code in decades and their top policy goal for the year.
Everyone will be waiting to hear what the governor has to say, and he'll likely be traveling around the state in advance of his speech to play up some of the highlights — making sure his top policy priorities get covered by the media and aren't lost in the shuffle.

Phrases with «top policy»

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