Sentences with phrase «top political adviser»

New details emerged about the role Trump's son - in - law, Jared Kushner, played in convincing the president to remove top political adviser Steve Bannon from the National Security Council.
Cuomo said he was «saddened» by federal charges against Joe Percoco, a friend and confidante who has been the governor's top political adviser for more than a decade.
America Rising, a super PAC that mines opposition material on Democrats, sent a statement from its «Andrew Cuomo initiative» saying that he has «not delivered on his promises» and will be dragged down by the looming corruption trial of Joe Percoco, a onetime top political adviser often referred to as the governor's surrogate brother.
Washington (CNN)- The Obama administration wants to boost the staggering U.S. economy by boosting exports and offering small - business tax credits, but the prospects for additional stimulus spending are weak, the president's top political adviser conceded Sunday.
By naming Bannon his top political adviser, Trump was signaling that his top political priority would be pleasing that base, rather than reaching out to try to build broader support.
Her departure came in the wake of a federal subpoena served on Cuomo's executive chamber that eventually led to the indictment of Joe Percoco, a top political adviser whom the governor has called a surrogate brother.
Politico reported last week that one of the president's top political advisers, Patrick Gaspard, took home nearly $ 40,000 last year from one of the country's most powerful labor unions — without telling a soul.
Cunningham is a top political adviser to New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, often speaking to him several times per day, and the two were once married.
Akron, Ohio (CNN)- David Plouffe, one of President Obama's top political advisers, said Tuesday that the Republican Party has been overwhelmed by a «Beck - Palin - Limbaugh wing» that will make it impossible for the GOP to nominate a viable general election candidate in 2012.
Top political advisers to John Kasich have formed a nonprofit organization that will promote themes the Ohio governor pushed during his unsuccessful run for last year's Republican presidential nomination.
On Thursday, Attorney General Andrew Cuomo charged Saul Meyer, a founding director of Aldus Equity Partners, with agreeing to pay about $ 300,000 in illegal kickbacks to Hank Morris, a top political adviser to Alan Hevesi, the former New York State comptroller.
«He'd be the best No. 2 anybody in the world could pick,» said Powers, who has a longstanding relationship with leading Texas Republicans like Karl Rove, former President George W. Bush's top political adviser.
Bharara last month announced a 14 - count indictment against Joe Percoco, a top political adviser who Cuomo has likened to a brother, former SUNY Polytechnic Institute President Alain Kaloyeros, and six executives at energy and development companies.
That doesn't bode very well for a slew of changes to state procurement processes that good - government groups have been pushing for since state and federal charges against top Cuomo allies, including former SUNY Polytechnic Institute President Alain Kaloyeros and Joe Percoco, a top political adviser who the governor has likened to a brother.
Gov. John Kasich of Ohio, another Trump foe who has already hit the trail for congressional candidates, plans to campaign soon for Senator John McCain in Arizona and for Joe Heck, the party's Senate nominee in Nevada, according to John Weaver, Mr. Kasich's top political adviser.
But Jake Menges, Giuliani's top political adviser, tells me that he himself got a call from a NY GOP official only last week «inviting him to attend the dinner» gala that the party has annually, but not to be a part of the program in any way.
(CNN)- Gov. Charlie Crist is brushing off news his top political adviser resigned Thursday night after the Florida Republican vetoed a GOP - backed education bill.
Harding said in New York County Supreme Court last week that he participated in a scheme devised by Hank Morris, a top political adviser to Alan Hevesi, and David Loglisci, the former station pension fund chief investment officer, to corrupt the process of selecting investments at the state pension fund to favor political allies, friends and family, Cuomo said.
It's unclear whether Kasich would accept support from these electors, and a top political adviser downplayed the strategy.
District Court Judge Valerie Caproni ruled that Joe Percoco, a top political adviser and surrogate brother of the Democratic governor, should be tried starting on Jan. 8 — just as Cuomo unveils his agenda for the coming legislative session.
As The Post's Carl Campanile reported, Sharpton started off with breakfast at the Regency with Michael Bloomberg's top political adviser, Kevin Sheekey.
Washington (CNN)- A top political adviser to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is pushing back against a series of new online ads in McConnell's home state of Kentucky that target the top Senate Republican for helping to negotiate a deal that prevented the U.S. from falling off the fiscal cliff.
Meanwhile, among those in the mayor's inner circle who were subpoenaed were Emma Wolfe, a top political adviser and the city's director of intergovernmental affairs; top fundraiser Ross Offinger; and the consulting firm Berlin Rosen, which works on the mayor's political campaigns.
He is considered the former mayor's top political adviser.
Among those subpoenaed was Emma Wolfe, the mayor's top political adviser and the city's director of intergovernmental affairs.
Obama went ahead with the Ramadan dinner remarks even though his top political advisers had not reached a consensus on what he should do.
His then - firm, Quadrangle, won $ 100 million in pension business in 2005 with the help of Hank Morris, Hevesi's top political adviser, who collected $ 1 million in kickbacks as part of the deal.
Will Gerard Robinson and Williamson Evers call out President - Elect Donald Trump for naming Steve Bannon, a bigot with a demonstrated record of anti-semitism and racism as his top political adviser?
Obama's top political advisers, Rahm Emanuel and David Axelrod, pointedly avoided the legislative battle, viewing it as politically unwinnable.
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