Sentences with phrase «torso upright»

Body roll is minimal, and there's even some side bolstering to keep your Chinese / American / Swedish torso upright and in place.
Stay light on the balls of your feet with your torso upright and core engaged, swinging the rope as fast as possible.
With the feet touching, maintain pressure through the heels, press the thighs and knees together to tone the outer legs, and start to strengthen the abdomen by keeping the torso upright and lifted.
Maintain your balance, and keep your torso upright, lower your body by bending your back knee until your front thigh is parallel to the floor.
Grasp the handles firmly, with your torso upright, your back against the pad, and your hips pulled down securely into the seat.
You must keep the torso upright and as you move forward, keep the pressure directed into the hip flexor muscles themselves.
If you keep your torso upright while lifting stones, I think it would put a great deal of pressure on the bicep attachments, and could cause a tear.
Step down with the right leg, lowering into a squat and keeping the back straight, the torso upright and the abs in.
Take a deep breath into your belly and twist your feet into the ground (imagine screwing them down without actually moving them) and squat, keeping your torso upright.
c) Practice throughout with your torso upright.
Keeping your torso upright, lower your body until your rear knee nearly touches the floor.
STARTING POSITION (SETUP): Sit on the bench with your feet against the supports, knees slightly bent, and torso upright.
The goal is to keep the torso upright when doing the squats.
Keep your chest up, eyes forward and torso upright for the movement.
Keep your balance, your head up, and your torso upright.
Place the right foot back on the floor and shift your bodyweight into it as you lift your torso upright, back into your original low lunge position.
Reverse the movement by stepping your right foot forward back into a deep lunge and then sweeping your left arm and torso upright (stay low in the lunge).
Keep your torso upright and knees in line with your toes throughout the movement (b).
Sit on the floor with your torso upright and your legs wide.
Come up as you inhale, reaching through the top arm to draw the torso upright.
If mobility issues make these ones tough, do regular lunge hops with your torso upright instead of getting so low through the upper body.
Keep your torso upright.
Holding the dumbbell using the goblet hold forces you to keep your torso upright and get your form in check immediately.
Keep your torso upright and back straight throughout.
Engage the abdominal muscles up and in, lifting your torso upright and arms should come up at the same time bringing them out to the side and above your head, palms should be facing towards each other.
Hold a heavy dumbbell or kettlebell (shown) in both hands and, keeping the torso upright, bend the knees into a squat.
Inhale, lengthen your spine further forward, and bring your torso upright.
Strengthening your back — your posterior chain — can help you increase definition in your abs, protect you from injury in your training, lift your glutes (if you're looking for that result) and keep your torso upright and chest from collapsing.
Quickly jump your feet back up by your hands and shift the weight into your feet, bring torso upright into a low squat position.
To shift emphasis to the lower lats, keep your torso upright.
Keep your torso upright and your hips and shoulders as square as possible.
Step forward with one leg, around two feet or so from the foot being left stationary behind, and lower your upper body down while keeping your torso upright and maintaining balance.
Keep your torso upright, arms up or out for balance.
If you have poor hip mobility, you can work on improving it by starting with an easier variation like the Goblet squat that allows you to squat lower while keeping your torso upright.
Finally, keep your torso upright with a raised chest and maintain a slight arch in the lower back all through the movement.
For maximum triceps activation, keep your torso upright.
Then, keeping your torso upright, reach your elbows side - to - side, bringing your right elbow to your right knee, and left elbow to your left knee.
Repeat the movement, keeping torso upright and core engaged the entire time.
Step - Up With Knee Raise: Face a step or bench and stand with your torso upright and your shoulders down and back.
Keep torso upright and press forward into the hips.
Try not to rely on the back of the chair to keep your torso upright; use your back and abdominal muscles instead.
To come out, inhale and bring your torso upright and with your hands under the knees to gently bring them back to center.
With abs tight and hands clasped in front of chest, lower down, looking straight ahead and keeping torso upright, chest out, and butt tucked in (left).
Stand up with your torso upright and a weight plate in each hand being held at arms length.
The bone appears robust enough to hold a torso upright.
Inhaling as you lift your torso upright, look straight ahead; sweep your arms out to the sides and up, making sure that your shoulders are relaxed.

Not exact matches

Inhale and raise your torso to upright.
Even while breastfeeding your baby, try to figure out a position where the baby's torso is fairly upright.
Stand up with an upright torso, holding a dumbbell in each hand at arm's length with the palms of your hands facing your torso.
Keeping your core tight and torso as upright as possible, descend down by flexing the knees, making sure that your knees stay aligned with the feet.
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