Sentences with phrase «torture during interrogation»

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Wyndham's expertise in this area led the American Psychological Association in late July to invite her to serve on its Task Force on Human Rights established after an April 2015 report asserted that the association had worked with U.S. government officials on its terrorism prisoner interrogation and torture program set up during the George W. Bush administration following the 2001 terrorist attacks.
Dozens of Syrian academics have been kidnapped for ransom or assassinated during Syria's civil war, and reports of interrogations and torture of professors and students in detention are becoming commonplace.
The track also expands on the action on screen, including a discussion of «extreme rendition», a government policy started during the Clinton administration and continued by Bush that plucks suspects off streets anywhere in the world and turns them over to governments not unopposed to interrogation that includes torture.
Controversy over the depiction of water - boarding torture techniques during interrogations defused most of its Academy chances save for a tie with the James Bond film «Skyfall» for Best Sound Editing.
Discuss the irony - and the terror - of Roth's being a translator during brutal interrogations and then having to undergo the same tortures he has witnessed being done to others.
Equally beautiful and disturbing are Indrė Šerpytytė's black - and - white photographs of wood carvings that represent buildings in Lithuanian villages that were used for torture and interrogation by USSR agencies during the 1940s and 50s (Former NKVD — MVD — MGB — KGB Buildings, 2009 - 15).
As an attorney in the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel during the administration of President George W. Bush, John Yoo helped write the so - called torture memos, justifying the use of «enhanced interrogation techniques» against «enemy combatants.»
If the question of whether use of torture in military interrogations of terrorist suspects were a law school exam question, I would bet that Yoo would have gotten extra points for coming up with the «self - defense» argument, or for arguing that executive power during a time of war trumps other considerations.
The torture began almost immediately and continued frequently during the first weeks of his imprisonment in Syria; a constant backdrop to interrogations set on getting him to confess to being a terrorist.
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