Sentences with phrase «toss in the hedge»

Not exact matches

I probably should have tossed in a few more of those qualifying words that let a writer hedge just the right amount.
Shapiro, of law firm Shapiro Arato, helped get hedge - fund manager Anthony Chiasson's insider - trading conviction tossed by a Manhattan federal appeals court in December 2014.
The author was bang on in his coin toss analogy to illustrate the point that investors can't just assume that over the long run currency hedging balances itself out.
The plan is to invest in preferred shares of REITs, maybe with some interest rate hedges tossed in.
In fact, when Morningstar compared the performance of the hedged versus unhedged MSCI EAFE index over the past 25 years, the results were essentially a toss - up.
That might encourage more folks to invest in promising young funds by hedging against one of the risks they face and it might discourage «let's toss it against the wall and see if anything sticks» fund launches.
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