Sentences with phrase «tossed it in my closet»

I promptly tossed them in a closet and left them there until I could examine them at my leisure.
I kind of tossed it in my closet and forgot about it for the following two weeks, but when I was running late for this event, inspiration struck.
Gifts they'll actually use instead of tossing in a closet a few weeks after use.
Although it's easier to sweep the mounting bills and late notices under the rug, toss them in a closet or shove them under the bed — all of which were my cleaning methods as a kid — you know the debt is still looming.
I especially like the one where you make a quick run through the house and stuff (all but bills) in a bag and then toss it in a closet.

Not exact matches

Rather than keep your closet in a perpetual state of busting - at - the - seams, here are 5 items that you can donate or toss with confidence.
These likely won't be in style in 5 years and you won't mind tossing them to the back of the closet until they make their way back around.
Because now I have begun actually sifting through my closet and separating pieces I want to bring, pieces I am going to list on Poshmark (follow my closet + sign up with code «MISSYONMADISON «for a $ 5 credit towards your first purchase), + pieces I am going to donate... kinda reminds me of the Sex and The City movie where Carrie is giving up her apartment to move in with Big and her and the girls dance around to Aerosmith while making their Take or Toss piles haha.
Between those, my utility jacket and my rattan bag — it's a toss up for the most worn item in my closet!
I mean they're always perfect for casual days out an about with a pair of denim shorts, and with a few unbuttoned buttons getting lower and lower each time and then, end up thinking I'm tired of this and tosses it back in the closet without seeing the daylight again.
I know it's out of style and never wear it, I know I should get rid of it — my modus operandi is tossing stuff that I no longer wear — but for some reason, it's still in the front hall closet.
I don't know about you guys, but I'm so excited to stuff my winter coat in a bag and toss it into the depths of my closet.
I believe that, if there's a piece hanging in your closet for over a year and you haven't removed tags, toss it.
Jealousy is an awful thing, and paycks arrived open (not in envelopes) and the office admin woman and / or the receptionist were responsible for tossing them, loose, into open shelves called mail slots in a walk - in closet sort of area, off the common hall.
And when you toss your shoes in the closet, make sure they're on your side.
Next thing you know, you'll be able to pull out those mom jeans you've tossed in the very back of your closet.
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