Sentences with phrase «total billings»

The retailer is charged 10 percent of the customer's total bill for the service.
Duties include presenting menus, making suggestions regarding food and service, and accurately totaling bill and accepting payment.
This is out of total bills of around $ 2,500, more than half of which are made up of network costs).
Brought in 15 new clients with total billings in excess of $ 100,000!
Before Rappaport and ALC knew what hit them, Lowenstein and their compatriots had racked up 530 hours of total billing in this time period, or almost $ 200,000 of fees and expenses — this in addition to the approximately $ 200,000 previously billed by Lowenstein for these matters.
He takes the dollar increase prediction from the right - wing think - tank predicting a high increase in prices from green energy, divides it by the predicted total bill from Environmental Defence, which predicts a small increase, to calculate a percentage increase.
Complete Bill: Adding all the above together, calculating a client's total bill at any given moment can be done instantaneously, and you can quickly see what your remaining budget is in order to strategize the remainder of the project in an efficient and client - facing manner.
Lat describes that while 25 or 50 percent premiums over total billings is not uncommon, now some companies have started complaining.
• Uploaded and reconciled monthly phone bills for approximately 200 branches and 4 operational centers; total billing amounts were coded for various departments and branches as required.
If you go with the amateur, you'll spend countless hours running back to the drawing board, ultimately compromising your results and making your amateur's total bill costlier than an experienced professional would have been.
Mr Bercow's total bill since April 2012 was more than # 1.7 million - including the cost of staff and running costs in his office.
i.e. adjust main job W4 to withhold enough to cover total bill.
But parallel reductions to the fuel factor and renewable portfolio standard (RPS)- RAC will combine to keep customers» total bills flat relative to current levels.
These additional services range from outsourcing options for total billing department management to timekeeper training and educational services.
The case name, case number, court of jurisdiction, filing date, compensation date ranges, attorney name, firm name, hourly rate, hours billed and total billing information in the Valeo Attorney Hourly Rate Database are pulled from public filings in public courts.
For one, one's total billings frequently are a prime driver of compensation.
Each line on the graph reflects one of five law firm size groupings and the percent of total billings handled by each group.
Each line shows the % of total billings that firms of that particular size captured in each of the past 4 years.
Did you bring in 15 new clients in two years with total billings in excess of $ 200,000?
CEO Ryan Grepper points out that the new, $ 282 total bill is still less than the $ 399 price the product sells for on Amazon, and guarantees delivery by July 4th.
Unless, perhaps, he or she is duly compensated, in which case, the total bill would be an astronomical $ 30 billion.
Customers could literally walk out the door of a store without having to wait on line or even swipe a card: Data - gathering «beacons» can scan tags on all the items in a shopping cart, total the bill, and debit the customer's account, perhaps even deducting mobile money from the customer's smartphone.
A KPMG report late last year warned that the total bill, including service and support, could be as much as $ 45.8 billion over 42 years to replace the current stable of CF - 18s, which are due to be retired in 2020.
That's what would happen if you left a tip at a restaurant that brought your total bill to exactly $ 100.
Hashrocket currently has four employees in Santiago, and does about ten percent of their total billing there.
What's the total bill for America's excessively monochrome population of successful entrepreneurs?
Oculus Rift and HTC Vive are expensive to start at $ 599 (U.S.) and $ 799, respectively, and both require high - end PCs to run, which add anywhere from $ 1,000 to several thousand dollars to the total bill.
The total bill: about $ 75,000.
U.S. Energy charges clients a percentage of the total bill, usually around 2 %, and a fee ranging from $ 400 to $ 10,000, depending on how labor - intensive the solutions turn out to be.
Don't offer discounts on a total bill, rather offer a specialized discount for various products or services.
Dholakia also suggests providing discounts on specific products or services rather than the total bill, and using promotions to clear out extra inventory or underperforming items.
From helicopters on emergency standby to cleaning up beer cans on the beach, we tally the total bill of the Port Huron Float Down gone awry
Usually the total bill is a few thousand dollars.
You knew it was going to be bad, but I think on BP's most recent quarterly they said, «We have spent $ 56 billion,» and that's going to be the total bill that they think it's going to cost for the 2010 Deepwater Horizon spill.
The total bill came to more than $ 16,000, but Johnson (who has organized the shopping spree for the last seven years), told reporters, «I just enjoy doing it.»
Apparently, the restaurant that he and a party of 20 dined at adds an automatic 18 percent tip to a total bill (rumored here to be about $ 200).
At some point, everyone has visited a grocery or convenience store where the clerk behind the counter barely makes eye contact and doesn't even read out the total bill at the end of the transaction.
To celebrate Meat Free Monday, all 1847 restaurants offer 50 % off your total bill if you book online quoting MFM.
Most offer restaurateurs and shop owners the choice of letting customers tip by percentage or flat - dollar amount, or whether to switch from flat dollars to a percentage - based tip if the total bill comes to, say, $ 10 or more.
In recognition of National Adoption Month, customers who visit a participating Wendy's will have 15 percent of their total bill donated to the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption ®, an organization committed to finding permanent, loving homes for children waiting in foster care.
Instead of offering a maximum of # 1,200 per child the government is now prepared to pay 20 % of the total bill, provided that does not exceed a maximum of # 10,000.
Money, money, money... Vaz wonders whether the total bill continues to go up.
For months the two sides have been feuding over the total bill; the state committed half the funds when it announced the emergency plan last year, and expected the city to contribute the rest.
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