Sentences with phrase «total conversion»

In the end, their religion wants total conversion, or total death, to any and all that do not share their belief.
A pop - up window will appear two blue progress bars indicating the current and total conversion progress.
What a great game, fresh gameplay, actual teamplay, and moddable, can't wait for total conversion mods to pop up (Warcraft fps / rts mod anyone?).
It has constantly changed guise — from total conversions of other people's games, to making free add - ons using publicly released game engines, to where we're at today when you can create a completely stand - alone title without upfront costs on Unreal Engine 4, release it on Steam, Xbox Live or PSN, then later charge for new content once you've built up a fanbase.
Project Reality is a combined arms First Person Shooter which is based around realism and teamwork oriented gameplay, it's a stand - alone total conversion modification for Battlefield 2.
New Orleans has long been in the spotlight for its near - total conversion from a traditional school district to a collection of schools run autonomously as public charters.
In addition to the game, the download also includes the software development kit (SDK) that allows modders to develop total conversion mods.
The creators of the Penumbra: Necrologue total conversion mod released their work on Steam yesterday.
You've just fractionalized your fraction, and now you're pulling a.01 % total conversion rate on the project.
«While epic total conversions that push boundaries like Counter-Strike and DotA once did are not as common, mods like these remain as important as ever in making new and old games great»
Former Co-founder and Creative Director of the acclaimed total conversion mod — MechWarrior: Living Legends, Dan «Kamikaze» Adams now dedicates his talents to building only the best game worlds for the Core gamers around the world.
In addition to merging the two games, Studio Wildcard will also be offering full Steam Workshop support including maps, mods and total conversions across Mac, PC, Steam OS, and Linux platforms.
This game would've made a great Call of Duty total conversion mod years ago.
The game is a sequel to a popular free - to - play total conversion for Half - Life 2 entitled Insurgency.
Total conversions like the excellent FFUR mods brought new life to a aging favorite.
Just when OFP was starting to look old and played out, then came the hundreds of add - ons and dozens of total conversions by the dedicated and talented players of the fantastic game.
Dominate the chaotic Survival and Versus modes or make your own mods, modes, and even total conversions with the included game editor.
The upcoming «Liberty City in GTA V» total conversion modification has also been forced to stop development.
The end game here is total conversion of television to IPTV.
Earlier this week, the excellent modding site ModDB went ahead and announced the winners of its Mod Of The Year Awards, ranking some of the best indie - developed total conversion and other mods for PC titles such as Half - Life 2, Unreal Tournament, and Doom 3.
Anyone can now create and upload «mods» to the Conan Exiles Steam Workshop, whether it's small changes and quality of life improvements, or total conversion mods introducing new creatures, characters, and worlds.
The landing page with a phone number was responsible for 54 percent of the total conversions collected, indicating a significant boost from the presence of a phone number alone.
Most people are familiar with the Google Keyword Planner tool, but did you know you can now use it to estimate the total conversions and cost per acquisition (CPA) for your campaigns?
This, as you can see, is extremely helpful data for estimating the CPA and total conversions for a keyword based on how much your bidding per click.
At an applied potential of 0.3 volt, chemically modified n - type TiO2 performs water splitting with a total conversion efficiency of 11 % and a maximum photoconversion efficiency of 8.35 % when illuminated at 40 milliwatts per square centimeter.
The thyroid is responsible for 25 % of our total conversion capability.
Rising Storm is a total conversion modification for the eagerly awaited WWII First - person Shooter, Heroes of Stalingrad: Red Orchestra; based on the Pacific campaign of 1941 - 45.
Here he is completely lost in the character; it's a total conversion of a performance.
Or, are they planning a total conversion to online charter schools?
So many charters have opened in the city at such a rapid rate, with hardly any oversight, that many have begun to fear a total conversion to an all - charter district, similar to that of New Orleans.
Total conversion.
When we look at your overall or average rates for the tax you'll pay on a total conversion and the tax you'll otherwise pay on withdrawals, we find that the conversion tax rate is 27 % and ATRW is 17 %, which makes the conversion appear unattractive.
Modders will be able to submit a mod into the competition in one of three categories for judgement: «Mods», «Maps», and «Total Conversions».
Alternately «mod it until it breaks» with, amongst other great mods, Millennium Dawn a total conversion updating the game to a modern setting or an alternate history from the USA still being a British colony, Germany winning WW1 or The War of the Worlds based on the H.G. Wells book and the Orson Welles 1938 radio broadcast.
Budding developers encouraged to alter dinosaur survival game with mods, maps and total conversions
Hall of Mirrors is a Total conversion of Max Payne 2 that allows you to live out the journey of Cleric John Preston.»
Even less will be total conversions, meaning people who click on the ads and then proceed to buy or download the game.
However, having said that, it must come as hard knock to the other contenders for ModDB's Mod Of THe Year to be beaten by a mod that simply turns single player game into multiplayer, when you consider that other modders have been creating completely New content, Maps, & even games (Total Conversions), with their mods.
GTA IV San Andreas BETA 3 «World Enhancement» (GTA San Andreas in GTA 4) GTA IV: San Andreas is a total conversion mod for Grand Theft Auto IV, which will... Read more»
Survival of the Fittest was a good example of how to make a total conversion mod for the base game.
Dan «Kamikaze» Adams CEO and Founder Former Co-Founder of Wandering Samurai Studios and the Creative Director of the acclaimed 2009 total conversion mod «MechWarrior: Living Legends», Dan has founded Polar Zenith studios with the plans of building new games titles that follow the same passion and dedication he showed when building MWLL.
What made you decide to translate those influences into a total conversion for Crusader Kings II?
This was more of a total conversion (remember that term?)
Add to that near limitless replay value with mods and total conversions and you can see why years on Skyrim and Fallout 4 have such strong followings.
The «Mods» category is for all extensions of current gameplay functionality, «Maps» is for new ARK's to play on and «Total Conversions» is for complete overhauls of the game which change the core functionality.
All Studio Wildcard is looking for are fans to submit their creative skills in one of three categories: «Mods», «Maps» and «Total Conversions».
Somehow, a total conversion mod has made it on to PSN.
Over 20 years since its original release, GoldenEye 007 gets the total conversion mod treatment, resulting in Goldfinger 64 — a brand new game that feels both fresh and nostalgic at the same time.

Phrases with «total conversion»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z