Sentences with phrase «total cook time»

Above it says cook for 30 minutes, then put the topping on it, but you mention at total cooking time of 50 minutes.
It took less than an hour total cooking time and the flavor was to die for.
If I add the shoulder butt, what effect will this have on total cooking time to have both done at nearly the same time?
You may have to adjust total cooking time, but yes, they are easily interchangeable.
There may be some slight variations of total cooking time based on the type of slow cooker you have.
Added toasted walnuts to mine, used 3/4 cup sugar, used water instead of molasses, used coconut oil and accidentally baked it at 350 which increased total cooking time to 25 minutes.
Total cooking time from the beginning to end should be about 15 - 20 minutes.
Total cooking time of this recipe is 2 1/2 to 3 hours.
Flip the steak and grill the other side in the same way until the exterior is nicely seared and the steak is cooked to your liking, 8 to 10 minutes total cooking time for medium rare.
Start baking the sweet potatoes in a large casserole dish at 375 degrees for half an hour while you prepare everything else (total cook time for potatoes is one hour!)
To make the romesco sauce, add 2 large ripe tomatoes, 2 cloves of garlic and 2 slices of baguette bread (about 1/2 inch thick) to a baking tray, cut an X on top of the tomatoes and a slit on the garlics, add the baking tray into the oven, after 15 minutes remove the toasted bread and roasted garlics, after 30 minutes total cooking time remove the tomatoes
So Total Cook Time is 15 minutes, assuming rice are boiling while curry is cooking.
Working in batches, sauté the shrimp cakes until cooked through and golden brown on both sides, adding more oil to skillet as needed, about 8 minutes total cooking time.
(total cooking time for the onions is about 8 minutes)
Allow 3 - 4 hours total cooking time
Grill for 15 minutes, turning the wings until they are browned, for a total cooking time of 35 minutes.
what was the total cooking time?
Total cooking time is between 40 - 60 minutes or until the milk has reduced to about 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 cups (300 - 360 ml).
Take out the aubergine shells when they're nice and soft and have started to brown (about 30 minutes of total cooking time).
(Total cooking time is 30 minutes).
Total cooking time will be 25 - 30 minutes.
About 3 / 4ths of the way through the total cooking time, remove the chicken from the Crock Pot to a cutting board.
You only need five to eight minutes of total cook time to set the outside of the socca but leave the interior creamy.
The total cook time does not include the time it takes for the Instant Pot to get to pressure and the time for the natural pressure release.
Cover the pan with the lid and bake for half the estimated cooking time (total cooking time is about 20 minutes per pound, so 6 hours to 6 hours 40 minutes total).
Roast goose for 1 hour and 45 minutes --(if you're one of those people who doesn't read the whole recipe first, note that this is only HALF the total cooking time — two more hours or so is still to come).
Microwave 4 - 5 minutes per side, turning over once (so, around 8 - 10 minutes total cooking time, depending on size of potato / power of microwave).
Total cooking time should be about 5 - 10 minutes.
Total cooking time can take 15 - 20 minutes.
By grating the sweet potatoes, they cook in about 8 minutes, which significantly speeds up the total cooking time.
Maybe 10 minutes total cooking time, depending on the thickness of the fish.
For a fish 1 inch thick, allow about 10 minutes total cooking time.
Although the hands - on time is minimal, the total cooking time is about 3 hours, so plan ahead.
Total cooking time is 3 hours, 15 minutes.
Thinking Ahead: Although the hands - on time is minimal, the total cooking time is about 3 hours, so plan ahead.
The total cooking time is 12 - 16 minutes.
I would add them once the vegetables are cooked; total cooking time will be shortened.
Total cook time is around 90 minutes, once you factor in saute time and pressure release.
Total cook time should be about 35 minutes.
Total cooking time: approximately 21/2 hours.
If you turn it down very low then you won't have to stir very often and can work on other things, but the total cook time may be a couple of hours.
I used boneless, skinless chicken thighs (all the grocery store had on hand at the time), skipped the wood chips (as some other reviewers have suggested), and we put heavy duty foil down on the grill but lit the burners directly underneath (took about 20 minutes total cook time, turning and basting with syrup every 5 minutes).
You may need up to an additional 3/4 cup broth (for a total of 2 1/4 cups liquid) and a total cooking time of 20 to 25 minutes.
Grill the wings over direct medium heat, until the wings are brown on the outside and the meat it opaque, about 20 minutes total cooking time, flipping them over once or twice during cooking.
The total cook time will be approximately 20 - 25 minutes.
for simplicity I did not leave bread out, and baked uncovered for 45 minutes total cooking time.
I added the salsa the last 5 minutes of the total cooking time, along with 3/4 cup frozen super sweet corn.
It also cuts the total cook time to just over an hour.
The total cooking time for the eggs was actually between 16 to 20 minutes because it usually takes roughly 10 minutes for the Instant Pot to reach the right temperature.
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