Sentences with phrase «total credit line»

It's the card bill balance divided by total credit lines.
A borrower gets approval for a certain credit limit under the plan, with the line being at least $ 5,000, while total credit lines going up to $ 500,000.
So, for example, if your stated income is $ 100K a year, you can expect to start having issues with getting more credit when you have around $ 50,000 of total credit lines (counting all Chase credit cards).
If you have 2 credit cards with total credit lines of $ 4,000, and you have $ 2,000 in charges on the cards, your left over capacity is $ 2,000 — 50 %.
For example, if you have $ 50,000 in total credit lines available, and you owe $ 25,000, your credit utilization ratio is 50 % ($ 25,000 divided by $ 50,000) because you are using half of all the credit you have available.
You may want to leave it open if you've had a solid repayment record, it's a no - fee card, and you've kept both the balance and total credit line low.
«The competition for super-prime consumers has become fierce, and we are seeing it manifest in higher total credit lines,» said TransUnion's Paul Siegfried in a statement.
For the fifth year in a row, total credit lines shrunk for cardholders with less - than - perfect credit.
General Electric Capital Corporation, Hoffman Estates • IL Portfolio Management Director — Marine Large Lending Group 2006 — Present Oversaw a portfolio of 80 clients with total credit lines of $ 240M.
Getting rid of an account could raise your overall credit utilization ratio and make it look like you're using a high percentage of your total credit line.
Perhaps you have a total credit line of $ 10,000 across three of your credit cards and a total balance of $ 2,800.
Customers can transfer any amount, up to their credit available for transfers, which may be less than their total credit line.
Your credit score is lowered when your available balance is over 50 % of your total credit line.
For example, if your total credit line is $ 10,000, you shouldn't be using more than $ 3,000.
Third, any credit card that is over 50 % of the available credit line should be paid down to under half of your total credit line.
In other words, if you have a total credit line of $ 10,000 and you close a credit card with an available limit of $ 5,000, your total available credit line is now only $ 5,000 in the eyes of the Bureau.
What is more important is how many accounts have balances and how much of the total credit line is being used on credit cards and other «revolving credit» accounts.
Also considered is the total amount of credit you have available (Try to keep your credit cards balances at less than 50 % of your total credit line).
Utilization refers to the percentage of one's total credit line being used up.
Across all of your accounts, your total utilization is around 15 % ($ 2,000 debt / $ 13,000 total credit line).
This looks at the percentage of your total credit line that you utilize month - to - month.
His credit utilization ratio now increases to 50 % because he owes $ 5000 against a total credit line of $ 10,000.
The more of your total credit line you use up every month, the worse it will be for your credit score.
Utilization is the percentage of your total credit line that you are using month - to - month.
Since only a portion of your total credit line is available for bank cash advances, it's important to keep track of the remaining amount that you can use for bank cash advances.
The portion of your credit card account's total credit line that can be used for bank cash advances.
In short, credit utilization is how much credit you're using in relation to your total credit line.
On the other hand, if your credit report is littered with late payments or collection accounts, or you're close to maxing out your total credit line, it might be difficult to meet SoFi's credit standards.
If the total amount you request exceeds your Total Credit Line, we may send full or partial payment to your creditors in the order you provide them to us.
How much of the total credit line is being used on credit cards and other revolving credit accounts.
As for the utilization, it is the ratio of your total balance to your total credit line.
In contrast, with MoneyTap you have access to money as and when you need it and the interest is charged only on the amount you actually utilize and not on the total credit line allocated.
Third, any credit card that is over fifty percent of the available credit line should be paid down to under half of your total credit line.
Your total credit utilization is calculated both as a factor of both your total credit line and the limit of individual cards.
Susie has 3 major credit cards with a total credit line of $ 20,000.
Credit utilization refers to the percentage of your total credit line that you actually use in a given month.
If you have a card with a large balance, especially one that represents more than 50 % of your total credit line, you're very vulnerable to having your credit limits reduced.
Three of the credit cards have balances of 70 % to 90 % of the total credit line.
If you use too much of your total credit lines, say by carrying big balances, you can hurt your credit score.
One advantage of only having a few cards is that the increase in your total credit line will be split among fewer cards.
My total credit lines equal $ 27K.
Either way, enough available credit so you don't get a bill representing more than 19 % of the total credit lines.
Very important is length of your credit history, the number and types of accounts you have, how much is owed compared to your total credit line, and how timely payments have been made.
As long as your debt still fits within the ideal ratio of having at least 70 percent of your total credit line open, you should be fine.
In other words, using $ 1000 of a $ 2000 total credit line was far wore than using $ 2000 of a $ 10000 line.
An authorized user can not change your account information, account password or request for an increase / decrease of your Total Credit Line.
For example, if your total credit line is $ 10,000, you shouldn't be using more than $ 3,000.
You may transfer any amount, up to your credit available for transfers, which may be less than your total credit line.
Getting rid of an account could raise your overall credit utilization ratio and make it look like you're using a high percentage of your total credit line.

Phrases with «total credit line»

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