Sentences with phrase «total dollar damage»

• The most damaging months are April (31 % of total dollar damage), May (20 %) and June (16 %).

Not exact matches

Class A mishaps include fatal accidents, severe damage totaling millions of dollars, or a complete loss of the aircraft.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which tracks billion - dollar disasters, reported in January that the record total came from 16 separate events with damages exceeding $ 1 billion.
Another chart from NOAA shows the that number of billion - dollar disasters in a given year is on the rise (bars), and 2017 reached an unprecedented peak in the cumulative total in damage (gray line):
Hurricane Harvey racked up total damage costs of $ 125 billion, second only to Hurricane Katrina in the 38 - year period of record keeping for billion - dollar disasters.
If that estimate holds, the damage totals over twenty billion dollars.
Certainly, with bilateral trade totalling almost 6 billion US dollars last year, China is aware that it can inflict massive economic damage upon its neighbour.
«Today, we are very pleased to announce that we have completed the final agreement to obligate a total of more than $ 1.8 billion dollars in funding for the state of Louisiana's Recovery School District and Orleans Parish School Board to repair and replace public schools damaged by Hurricane Katrina,» Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano said.
The class action seeks damages «for the purchase of e-books, an injunction against pricing e-books with the agency model and forfeiture of the illegal profits received by the defendants as a result of their anti-competitive conduct which could total tens of millions of dollars
The personal effects of the 18 residents who were displaced as a result of the fire makes up the half a million dollars of total estimates damages.
The average resident in this fire probably had about fifteen thousand dollars of personal property that was lost — that average accounts for multiple members of families, as well as for the fact that some people's property is only partially damaged and not a total loss.
The simple, thoughtless negligence of one resident required 160 firefighters to respond from four departments and left the entire building a total loss with estimated damages of a million dollars.
There have been at least 260 deaths since July and the Government has estimated that property damage could total $ 3 billion dollars.
Even though the «Total Recall» star says «it's absolutely irresponsible to know that your product is killing people and not have a warning label on it,» Schwarzenegger isn't entirely certain a lawsuit is going to bring in billions of dollars in damage money.
The total cost of damage is estimated at 80 million US dollars [2].
70,000 people were evacuated, 50,000 homes damaged, nearly 50 people killed and a total cost in damage exceeding $ 16 billion dollars.
Mr. Durham recently defended a case involving a multi-week trial with claims totaling 45 million dollars, with no damages assessed against his client.
This resulted in total legal costs of over a million dollars, which exceeded the amount of the damages awarded.
Only a part of the CCIA's argument (the part that explains a disgorgement of total profits for one design patent can't be the answer since Apple holds multiple smartphone - related design patents, in which case a damages claim could theoretically amount to many billions of dollars) is duplicative of the professors» simultaneous filing.
If you're involved in a major accident and cars are totaled, people are injured or killed, and property is damaged, the total financial impact could be hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dollars.
The personal effects of the 18 residents who were displaced as a result of the fire makes up the half a million dollars of total estimates damages.
This trio of numbers summarizes the total dollar amounts (expressed in thousands) of coverage in your policy in the event of a car accident with damage or injuries:
If you totaled out a couple of cars, each worth $ 8,000, then the other parties would have at least $ 16,000 dollars worth of claims, exceeding your property damage liability limits of $ 10,000 — like the injuries did with your bodily injury coverage.
According to data from the National Hurricane Center, Florida has fallen victim to 6 of the 10 costliest hurricanes in United States history - hurricanes that were responsible for a staggering $ 181 trillion dollars in total damages.
The minimum liability in the state of Louisiana is for the amount of ten thousand dollars for bodily injury per person and twenty thousand dollars for bodily injury for all the people in the accident in total and ten thousand dollars for property damage.
While the claims for vehicles is in the millions, the total damage is reported to be near fifty billion dollars.
This is going to be increased to fifteen thousand dollars per person for bodily injury, thirty thousand dollars for bodily injury in total covering two persons and property damage for twenty five thousand dollars.
Total damages are estimated at over two million dollars.
Thousands of Texans still getting pounded by Hurricane Harvey could find themselves in trouble financially as total damage costs to homes, property and businesses potentially surge into the tens of billions of dollars in the wake of the storm.
«Because of the lengthy litigation history and the current lawsuits between RS» senior executives and TREB in which damages totaling more than half a billion dollars are claimed, counsel for RS undertook not to call Lawrence Dale as a witness on the RS topics.
That's why it remains difficult to put a dollar loss on the total damage suffered by the region: «We just know it's going to be high for insured losses and for the uninsured,» Hanna says.
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