Sentences with phrase «total means of their existence»

Nor do they attack the gate as if getting through it is the total means of their existence... getting through and attacking the horrid strange unfriendly other human entering THEIR home!

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What matters here is that the total witness found in the Gospels, as well as in the epistles of Paul, John, and others, is to an activity of God in human existence and through a human activity, through which «newness of life» has been known; God has been seen as sheer Love - in - action, and human existence has been given meaning and value as a potential agency for divine Love in the world and in human affairs.
If the total coincidence of transcendence and immanence is vision, and not structure of existence, then the traditional styles of faith and practices of faith may still have possible meaning, even though they are seen to be penultimate; and then the radical theologian can be understood as standing in a spectrum of theological positions and not in isolation.
This is «objective immortality,» in Whitehead's phrasing; by virtue of it, creaturely «perishing» does not mean total annihilation but rather participation in the divine existence.
And consequently it is to equate the understanding of meaning with a total interpretation of existence and of reality in the system of Christianity.
Now an ultimate choice is thrust upon every man, as he can either turn back in horror at our chaos by engaging in a final No - saying, or he can turn forward and meet our darkness by means of an ultimate Yes - saying, a total affirmation of our actual and immediate existence.
It means that all that I have lived, experienced, and done «in my body» — and that is everything I do, experience, and live — is so much a part of my total self that in the re-creation of that self by God there is some continuing instrument or organ of experience which makes possible for me both personal existence and also participation with other men and life in a world which is more than just personality.
That didn't mean the branes were voids: Quantum theory asserts that even the total vacuum of empty space is seething with «virtual» subatomic particles that constantly wink in and out of existence.
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