Sentences with phrase «total number of days in the period»

Not exact matches

Batting average is calculated by dividing the number of days (or months, quarters, etc.) in which the manager beats or matches the index by the total number of days (or months, quarters, etc.) in the period of question and multiplying that factor by 100.
Any customer who executes four or more «day trades» within five business days, provided that the number of day trades represents more than 6 % of the customer's total trades in the margin account for that same five business day period.
Contacts by telephone, email or online chat to ChildLine totalled 48,751 over the festive period and figures show a staggering 50 per cent increase in the number of counselling interactions on Christmas Day compared with last year.
-- The Secretary shall review annually the product - specific criteria for designating, and the product models that qualify as, Best - in - Class Products and, after notice and a 30 - day comment period, make upwards adjustments in the efficiency criteria as necessary to maintain an appropriate ratio of such product models to the total number of product models in the product class.
Averaging the 187.5 - microgram exposure (actually delivered in a number of concentrated doses) over the six - month period, the resulting dose of 1.04 micrograms per day is significantly higher than the EPA's «safe» reference dose of 0.3 — 0.6 micrograms total per day for methylmercury exposure in infants.
They find your average daily balance by adding all of your charges for the billing period and dividing the total by the number of days in the period.
The average monthly collected balance is calculated by adding the principal in the account for each calendar day in the statement period and dividing that figure by the total number of calendar days in the statement period.
U.S. Bank calculates this balance by adding the principal in your account for each calendar day in the statement period and dividing it by the total number of days in the statement period.
APY is most commonly applied to deposit accounts, and is the total amount of interest earned on an account based on the interest rate and the number of times interest is compounded in a 365 - day period.
Then, we add up the daily balances for the billing period and divide the total by the number of days in the billing period.
Then, we add up all the daily balances for the billing period and divide the total by the number of days in the billing period.
Add up the total daily balance for the month, and then divide that number by the number of days in the period to get your average daily balance.
In determining the total interest figure to be used in the formula, institutions shall assume that all principal and interest remain on deposit for the entire term and that no other transactions (deposits or withdrawals) occur during the term.3 For time accounts that are offered in multiples of months, institutions may base the number of days on either the actual number of days during the applicable period, or the number of days that would occur for any actual sequence of that many calendar monthIn determining the total interest figure to be used in the formula, institutions shall assume that all principal and interest remain on deposit for the entire term and that no other transactions (deposits or withdrawals) occur during the term.3 For time accounts that are offered in multiples of months, institutions may base the number of days on either the actual number of days during the applicable period, or the number of days that would occur for any actual sequence of that many calendar monthin the formula, institutions shall assume that all principal and interest remain on deposit for the entire term and that no other transactions (deposits or withdrawals) occur during the term.3 For time accounts that are offered in multiples of months, institutions may base the number of days on either the actual number of days during the applicable period, or the number of days that would occur for any actual sequence of that many calendar monthin multiples of months, institutions may base the number of days on either the actual number of days during the applicable period, or the number of days that would occur for any actual sequence of that many calendar months.
The rules adopt the term «pattern day trader,» which includes any margin customer that day trades (buys then sells or sells short then buys the same security on the same day) four or more times in five business days, provided the number of day trades are more than six percent of the customer's total trading activity for that same five - day period.
The Securities and Exchange Commission website says «FINRA rules define a «pattern day trader» as any customer who executes four or more «day trades» within five business days, provided that the number of day trades represents more than six percent of the customer's total trades in the margin account for that same five business day period».
R = the total number of days in the service period as defined in section 307 - 400 of the ITAA 1997 that occur after 30 June 1983.
Assume in example 5 that Peter's total eligible service period is 14,245 days and the number of pre-July 83 days is 4,250 days.
Average account balance — The average monthly collected balance is calculated by adding the principal in the account for each calendar day in the statement period and dividing that figure by the total number of calendar days in the statement period.
The converse is also true for increases in the total number of abnormal beats in a 24 - hour period — an increase of less than 85 % may simply be normal day - to - day variation and adjustment of medications may or may not be recommended by your veterinarian or veterinary cardiologist.
Players can also set times in which the tournament is available (weekly, daily, or between a fixed period and at what day and time the tournament begins and ends), the number of races before scores are totaled, and whether the groups shuffle after every four matches or not.
For drought, we might envisage an analogous picture but with an index that measures drought such as the total number of dry days in a given period.
The new calculation divides the total amount of regular wages earned in the pay period immediately preceding the public holiday by the number of days actually worked in that pay period to earn those wages.
An employee's public holiday pay for any given public holiday is equal to the total amount of regular wages earned in the pay period immediately preceding the public holiday divided by the number of days the employee worked in that period.
It has also introduced additional rules for TV phone - ins — viewers must be shown the total number of callers in the preceding 15 minute period and this must be updated every 10 minutes, the price of calls must be read out at least every 10 minutes and viewers must be warned every time they spend # 10 in a day.
Five percent of the employee's total wages, excluding overtime, for the four - week period immediately preceding the day of leave if: The number of hours worked by the employee in a normal workday varies from day to day, or The employee's wage for regular hours of work varies from day to day
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