Sentences with phrase «total number of pages read»

However, Amazon, in an uncharacteristic bout of transparency, revealed the total number of pages read in June 2015, which was the last month of the flat - rate KU payment system.
This meant I had the total number of pages read in June and the total borrows for the month so I could work out that the average borrow was 228 KENPs.
A slight decrease in the amount Amazon pays per page read (due to the KDP Global Fund not keeping pace with the total number of pages read)
The total number of pages read that month was around 3 billion.
On the other hand, I have noticed that my sales have not only increased since they are in KU — if I add the average number of KU readers (easy to calculate by dividing the total number of pages read by the actual number of KENPC pages), I have almost doubled the number of «sales».
To estimate the total number of pages read across the program, divide the KDP Select Global Fund amount by this amount.
Instead of letting the market determine value in KU, they have decided that a book's value can be measured by the total number of pages read.
Each month, Amazon allocate a total amount of money to the program which is then divided up by the total number of pages read.
A decrease in the number of pages of my books being read (probably due to the increased competition as more books are added to KOLL / KU) A slight decrease in the amount Amazon pays per page read (due to the KDP Global Fund not keeping pace with the total number of pages read) A change in the KENP algorithm that reduced the number of pages in my books.
Amazon divides the fund amount by the total number of pages read and pays you your share.
Next month the total number of page reads will go up, adding new books borrowed plus the remaining pages in books that were not read yet.

Not exact matches

I think the main reason why physical page numbers and total percentage read gives us the modern equivalent of the print experience.
It also tracks the number of books finished, the total time spent reading, the average number of pages read per minute and much more.
The right part shows the ratio of the number of header read pages the total number of pages of the book.
Argument essay writing, five paragraph essay in particular, can be written following the below pattern: read the question (decide on the structure), underline key word in a question, generate ideas (write down all ideas you have on the topic, consider both sides of the argument), decide on essay layout (number of total pages divided into seven sections: introduction, conclusion, and five body paragraphs, for example), and create an outline.
It offers statistics like minutes per reading session, the number of pages you've turned, and the total time you've spent reading.
Amazon calculated the payout per page by beginning with their monthly KDP Select Global Fund and dividing it by the total number of (KENP) pages read.
What's not: Instead of displaying the page number, the Kindle shows a progress bar and percentage read, plus somewhat cryptic location numbers (such as 27 19 - 39) and a meaningless total data amount (e.g., 22247).
When you're reading, for example, the menu allows you to choose from among seven font families and 12 gradually increasing font sizes; you may also customize the page layout via options for justifying text, toggling the boldface version of your font, and hiding or showing the header and the so - called pageometer (which shows how many pages you've read out of the total number in the book).
Listings for EPUB and PDF (but not eReader PDB) ebooks that have been accessed since version 1.5 was installed will show the page number of the most recently read page and the total number of pages.
Because the US alone accounts for the overwhelming majority of KU page reads, and because the per - page rates in the countries and currencies that make up the remainder of KU reads are pretty similar, it's easy to turn that into an approximate total number of global KENP pages read for the month.
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