Sentences with phrase «total payoff amount»

The amount owed according to a statement from the related institution; this value often differs from total payoff amount.
No more than the lesser of $ 250,000 or total payoff amounts verified by existing holders of qualified loans.
The Credit CARD Act of 2009 has required credit card companies to list total payoff amounts, and alternatives to only paying the minimum, on statements, but many still overlook some of the issues associated with a slow repayment of credit card debt.
Student debt: Require colleges to provide students with the estimated amount of student loans incurred to date on an annual basis, a range of the total payoff amount that includes principal and interest, and the monthly repayment amount they would have to pay.
The final payment on my car loan is due in December but I made a payment for the total payoff amount this month to close the account.
If you're still paying off student loan debt, refinancing student loans can be a smart way to shave thousands off your total payoff amount.
* Deduct all selling costs from the total payoff amount.
25 days (to avoid periodic finance charges on purchases, the total payoff amount must be received by the payment due date)
Mortgage amount, how much per month for how many years you have left or what is the total payoff amount.
In general, most short sale experts say to price the property at or near fair market value, although a few will begin with the total payoff amount owned by the seller.
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