Sentences with phrase «total process»

In total the process typically takes one to two weeks to get your perfect CV.
Work with a partner who excels in developing and offering total processing solutions that address the unique needs and challenges of your business.
It took me just under a year to get an agent and then four months to get a publisher, so in total the process was 18 months.
Furthermore, total processing time from corn to ethanol is expected to be less than 24 hours, GCC reports.
DreamMaker's focus is to provide an easy - to - live - with, seamless total process for you and your kitchen remodel, bath renovation or home construction project.
He defined such forms, particularly physical systems, as total processes whose properties are not the sum of those which the isolated parts would possess (GP).
The Mach V comes with Intel's 3930K CPU, a six - core chip that offers 12 total processing threads via Hyper - Threading.
To get even more insight in the total processing power of this mine, Quartz was asked to elaborate on the statement that the mine represents nearly 4 % of the total network.
If we had to choose between a total process of evolution and a state of complete fixity, that is to say between two absolutes — everything incessantly in motion, or everything for ever immovable — we should be bound to choose the first.
The total process of learning to understand and relate to each other in all circumstances.
Here as elsewhere, relational thinking is holistic, oriented to the total process and its possibilities for new becoming.
Culture, Niebuhr writes, «is that total process of human activity and that total result of such activity»; therefore «we can not escape culture any more readily that we can escape nature.
More than this we can not say about the total process of nature.
Taken collectively they justify what was affirmed in chapter 3 as primary notes in the meaning of the term: the ultimate sovereignty of God; the acceptance of this sovereignty through human response and obedience to God's will; and a final, victorious consummation of the total process.
For him, kenosis is a total process in which a pure transcendent reality is becoming pure actuality.
Similarly, God becoming all in all in a totally immanent Christ is a total process.
Neither God nor man can be considered in isolation from the total process.
He recognizes that his sermon is only part of a total process.
Our present, and second, crisis is one of ideomass, of a limitation to the total processing and utilization of ideas by man on Earth.
The TOTAL process also means that 4 litres of fresh pasteurised cows» milk go into each, single litre of TOTAL Greek Yoghurt.
We went on a tour of the facility and got an in depth look at the total process.
The total process could take about three months.
The total process for us took about five minutes, and we opted to use the slower manual sign - up process.
You may see items getting removed in as little as 30 days but the total process typically takes longer than that.
The total processing time for these applications is on average one and a half months.
Experience curves for the total process of producing electricity from wind are considerably steeper than for wind turbines.
Firms and legal counsel should take into account the total process.
As stated earlier, this is typically only 10 - 15 % of steps, and these may represent as little as 1 % of the total process time (taking into account delays and the time where the product or service is static).
Typically only 10 - 15 % of the steps in a process add value, and usually these steps represent as little as 1 % of the total process time (taking into account delays and the time where the product or service is static).
That bottleneck constricts the flow of the entire system so that the maximum throughput of the bottleneck is effectively the maximum throughput of the total process.
After all the documents are submitted, the total process will be completed within 7 working days.
Estate planning: The total process of planning an estate, including: (a) estate creation and conservation during the owner's life; (b) the minimization of state shrinkage at death; (c) the creation of adequate liquidity for estate settlement costs; and (d) a plan for proper estate distribution to the owner's heirs.
The claimed amount is sometimes lesser than the total processing charge and the loss of NCB.
Today, China alone contributes about two - thirds of the total processing power used for Bitcoin mining.
The total processing time is just «a few seconds,» or less time than it takes to fill in a credit card form.
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