Sentences with phrase «total understanding»

I'm continually amazed by your patience and total understanding of how these ingredients fit together and your willingness to just share them with us.
Dating in Chesapeake means the most harmonious relationships and total understanding with your partner.
Unless our total understanding includes belief in something that can reveal itself, we can not apprehend any occurrence as a revelation.
Certainly we have to admit that a total understanding of God is beyond the grasp of our limited minds.
None of the children they studied had a total understanding of the privacy rights they were giving away, when they tick conditions boxes online.
This fact is of extraordinary importance for our total understanding of the history that has formed us.
When history is read in terms of the centrality of Jesus, the total understanding of God is affected.
But his teaching about God, both explicit and implicit, altered the balance and weighting of the ideas already held about God in such a way as to change the total understanding.
But all such items of information about man from the physical sciences are relatively trivial and uninteresting within the context of a total understanding of human nature.
For Newman there is always the possibility that what may appear innovative doctrines are in fact implicit in the total understanding of the faith, and yet not necessarily subject to some logical deduction.
In Reality, in the divine Presence there is brilliant, awe - inspiring Light, in which there is total clarity, total understanding, total wisdom, and unconditional loving acceptance of all of God's creations.
The very computer and the internet are within that subset of our collective 3 % of the total understanding brought about by SCIENCE.
And, when seen from this perspective, it is a very important book for our total understanding of the biblical message.
Through the years when I have called the front desk, panicked by what ever was going on at the time - your front desk helpers were there with compassion, total understanding and they made things happen.
Adopters are screened carefully to ensure their level of commitment, compassion and their total understanding of the animals medical needs.
The total understanding of how much stamina your attacks take is vital to know, because if you take one swing too many then you leave yourself open for what very well could be a quick death.
«The contrarian theories raise interesting questions about our total understanding of climate processes, but they do not offer convincing arguments against the conventional model of greenhouse gas emission - induced climate change,» the advisory committee said in the 17 - page primer.
Intellectual Property is specialized and complex, requiring a total understanding of the complex issues involved.
The financials lacked a total understanding of the online technology sector as it exists today and a total misrepresentation of the current online advertising opportunities.»
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