Sentences with phrase «total universe»

Only 93 directors failed to win majority support, out of a total universe of some 50,000, as of recent figures.
Within the total universe, what was the cause?
«He must include in himself a synthesis of the total universe.
Since God is actual, 4 He must include in himself a synthesis of the total universe.
(Religion in the Making, Cleveland: Meridian Books, 1960, 152) and «Since God is actual, He must include in himself a synthesis of the total universe.
Finally, Hartshorne stresses the ethical and social defectiveness of humanism: if the total universe and even human bodies are essentially loveless machines driven by blind forces, «then it is impossible that the conception of spirit or love should have more than a very fitful hold upon us.
immediately after saying that God is «above change» (in this context meaning «exempt from internal inconsistency») Whitehead says, «Since God is actual, He must include in himself a synthesis of the total universe.
(Religion in the Making, Cleveland: Meridian Books, 1960, 95) If God is a synthesis of the total universe, then God changes as the world changes.
«This is a total universe portrait in the nature of the relationships and attitudes.»
In addition, because the S&P China 500 Index reflects the sector composition of the total universe of Chinese companies, it has a more diversified sector exposure when compared with other China - focused indexes.
There will always be more animals than there are homes until there is a reduction in the TOTAL UNIVERSE of animals needing homes — not just the number of animals entering shelters — and TOTAL supply balances total demand.
- The total universe of bonds linked to key climate themes stands at USD346bn, double last year's estimate.
My understanding is that the notion of null versus alternate hypotheses came from the statistical testing field where in general a null hypothesis is an assertion that some phenomenon will be constrained to a subset, often a subspace, of the total universe of possible observations.
However, these companies only make up nine percent of the total universe of analyzed companies when immigration - focused businesses are included.
But it a fundamental fallacy to assume that the universe of cases coming before the appellate courts is the same as the total universe of cases.
Crunchbase News identified at least a half - dozen that have raised funding in recent quarters, which is just a sampling of the total universe.
«The fact is, you have a certain universe of total dollars to deal with, and how it's split up or how we see it split up doesn't change that total universe,» says George Stephens, broker - owner of ERA — Stephens Properties, Houston.
If lenders write the volume that MBA expects, the total universe of commercial mortgages should top $ 3 trillion by the end of this year.
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