Sentences with phrase «totally disingenuous»

To hear Newman claiming he only did it, changed his mind, because Julia Gillard wants uranium mining at a federal level is so totally disingenuous it leaves me speechless.
I feel totally helpless to do anything positive to influence my country's obstinate and totally disingenuous positions in the negotiation.
«You» are not my problem, especially when you are given precisely what you asked for and are either too figgin» lazy to see that, or you are totally disingenuous.
And as for the fire services, Innes» campaign is accused of being «totally disingenuous».
He calls her campaign «totally disingenuous» for suggesting that Nuneaton constituents could lose out.
About Pete's take on the Benghazi matter: I think is fairly clear in testimony that the Obama Administration did lie, did cover - up what had happened, and was totally disingenuous about the whole thing.
(It seems totally disingenuous to me) There are many things I have rejected in the typical church setting and as such have left completely.

Not exact matches

Suggesting otherwise is disingenuous, and makes mothers, mothers COMMITTED to breastfeeding, who are doing EVERYTHING they're told by the people who are supposed to be helping, feel like they are failures when they experience the TOTALLY NORMAL pain and are informed that if they were doing a better job, it wouldn't happen.
That's why this a potential crisis for democracy; with the potentially massive political gaping hole waiting to be filled by those who want the blame for the crisis of capitalism to fall on immigrants, the unemployed, those on benefits and the disabled with deliberately misleading and disingenuous statistics and figures being rolled out totally unchallenged.
To me that makes Franks «Uncle Tom» comments totally justifiable (although I personally prefer «Auntie Tom's) and Gay Inc's scrambling for political correctness and support of the Log Cabin Republicans disingenuous and spineless at best.
This is totally transparent, and attempts to make it appear otherwise are disingenuous.
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