Sentences with phrase «totally over all of»

I am totally over all of the winter wear and wishing for spring.

Not exact matches

What the Sanford Bernstein analyst seemed to be saying is that the billions that have been wiped from the market value of TV - related stocks over the past few weeks are totally justified.
«I think our community, the biohacking community, and the products just totally went over the heads of the other Sharks on the show.
The rub is that totally eliminating all deductions for those with incomes over $ 1m would not even raise enough revenue to cover reducing their marginal tax rates from 39 to 33 per cent, let alone offset their benefit from huge rate reductions on business and corporate income, and the elimination of estate and gift taxes.
Mid-teens P / Es are now becoming commonplace and in some cases, they are even approaching 10 times earnings which is something I've never seen in over 30 years of owning MLPs (perhaps save for a very brief period in early 2009, when almost everything was totally crushed, and the 2015 energy collapse).
The LEEKICO crew totally evaluations every challenge crew, resolution and plans, earlier than giving them entry to its pleasant buyer assist crew, advertising and marketing and promotional sources, in addition to its community of over 30,000 customers in 40 international locations.
Nobody gets it right all the time, but by focusing on preservation of capital, by focusing on loss control, we're taking into account that really no one trade can make us, but one trade can break us, maybe not totally financially, but I've worked with traders for over 28 years, and I've seen people who have been mentally incapacitated just by a big loss, and it's not necessarily financially devastating, but it's mentally devastating.
Fourth, Mr. Luskin totally avoids talking about the risk associated with the fact that this tax reform will increase the deficit of an already indebted U.S. by $ 1.5 T over 10 years.
But emotionally and behaviorally, you know, we're totally fine if the dollar - cost averaging over the next amount of months, or even quarters, even years, if that keeps you from hindsight bias and doing something, you know, stupid,» because a lot of people become very emotionally wedded.
My wife and I live a totally fulfilling life (vacations / cruises, drive nice but older cars, and eat out / cook good food), but are still able to save over 70 % of our after - tax income.
Even as someone who gets frustrated with the over PC nature of MLK day it is totally out of line to put this article out on his day.
Creationism — totally debunked over and over Testimonies of delusional people — totally worthless over and over
The fault lies totally on the side of the Christians who made a stink over a freedom of speech issue.
Now, I've seen people greatly helped by medication, but this time... he's grossly over medicated and they have given him electro shock therapy... the depression is gone but... a totally brilliant man will spend the rest of his life on disability... he can't put sentences together coherently... his memory is shot.
This is totally wrong but it is liberal politically correct and I am tired of having to bend over backward to watch every word I say around someone who is of a different ethnic background.
Constantine's Basilica of the Anastasis («Resurrection»), built over the traditional site of Christ's tomb, was burned by the Persians in 614, restored and then totally destroyed by the order of the Fatamid Caliph al - Hakim («the Mad») in 1009.
As a mother commits herself totally to bringing into fruition the seed of life within her, so Christians must be committed to the emergence of a new world in which light prevails over darkness, love overcomes hate, and freedom vanquishes oppression.
Conservatives today back the rich over the poor and favor the right of one person to shoot another for totally subjective, materialistic reasons.
Whereas «She got off the plane» resolved ten years» worth of Friends» narrative progression, «This is the story about how you're totally in love with Aunt Robin» scrapped everything and started over in the last three minutes of the series.
It is, in particular, the second of evangelicalism's two tenets, i. e., Biblical authority, that sets evangelicals off from their fellow Christians.8 Over against those wanting to make tradition co-normative with Scripture; over against those wanting to update Christianity by conforming it to the current philosophical trends; over against those who view Biblical authority selectively and dissent from what they find unreasonable; over against those who would understand Biblical authority primarily in terms of its writers» religious sensitivity or their proximity to the primal originating events of the faith; over against those who would consider Biblical authority subjectively, stressing the effect on the reader, not the quality of the source — over against all these, evangelicals believe the Biblical text as written to be totally authoritative in all that it affiOver against those wanting to make tradition co-normative with Scripture; over against those wanting to update Christianity by conforming it to the current philosophical trends; over against those who view Biblical authority selectively and dissent from what they find unreasonable; over against those who would understand Biblical authority primarily in terms of its writers» religious sensitivity or their proximity to the primal originating events of the faith; over against those who would consider Biblical authority subjectively, stressing the effect on the reader, not the quality of the source — over against all these, evangelicals believe the Biblical text as written to be totally authoritative in all that it affiover against those wanting to update Christianity by conforming it to the current philosophical trends; over against those who view Biblical authority selectively and dissent from what they find unreasonable; over against those who would understand Biblical authority primarily in terms of its writers» religious sensitivity or their proximity to the primal originating events of the faith; over against those who would consider Biblical authority subjectively, stressing the effect on the reader, not the quality of the source — over against all these, evangelicals believe the Biblical text as written to be totally authoritative in all that it affiover against those who view Biblical authority selectively and dissent from what they find unreasonable; over against those who would understand Biblical authority primarily in terms of its writers» religious sensitivity or their proximity to the primal originating events of the faith; over against those who would consider Biblical authority subjectively, stressing the effect on the reader, not the quality of the source — over against all these, evangelicals believe the Biblical text as written to be totally authoritative in all that it affiover against those who would understand Biblical authority primarily in terms of its writers» religious sensitivity or their proximity to the primal originating events of the faith; over against those who would consider Biblical authority subjectively, stressing the effect on the reader, not the quality of the source — over against all these, evangelicals believe the Biblical text as written to be totally authoritative in all that it affiover against those who would consider Biblical authority subjectively, stressing the effect on the reader, not the quality of the source — over against all these, evangelicals believe the Biblical text as written to be totally authoritative in all that it affiover against all these, evangelicals believe the Biblical text as written to be totally authoritative in all that it affirms.
And it's over and above the minimum the Law said had to be repaid in cases of theft, so he's acknowledging he did steal, he wasn't just «doing the government's work» but nope, he totally stole and he'll admit it.
Can we lose that salvation i believe so if we totally turn away from him by rejecting the conviction of the holy spirit in our lives.I say that because as a new christian i accepted Christ into my life and the holy spirit was convicting me to surrender my heart to him as Lord and i was resisting him i would not surrender to him fully and so he gave me a choice to either accept him or reject him.I believe he gives everyone the chance to make that commitment as Lord of there life.When we make that deeper commitment and follow him he will continue to perfect us through his holy spirit so that we conform to his image.By the way i knew that if i rejected him at that point that was it he would never bother me again i would have been eternally lost the thought was terrifying at the time.There was definitely a spiritual battle being fought over me i was very aware i needed to decide which side i was on.Thankfully i chose the winning one.brentnz
Since it has arrived and Jesus has accepted it totally and in complete freedom of spirit, then the reign of sin and death over humanity instigated by the malice of the Devil is doomed.
Volitional control can be established, through biofeedback learning, over processes long believed to be totally subject to the involuntary control of the autonomic nervous system.
Present Over Perfect: Leaving Behind Frantic for a Simpler, More Soulful Way of Living by Shauna Niequist:: I read this book on a plane and I totally cried in seat 30A.
Evolutionists act like in one layer is all of one type of animal and in the next is a totally different one with no cross over and this is not the case
While we ought not to continue to commit the error of so many people, especially religious people, that is, «kidding ourselves» about the likelihood of a bright future; we can not, on the other hand, commit the error of the totally disillusioned, which is to give themselves over to the darkest outlook and see no chance for anything but the gloom of night in a world where all ends in nothing, and nothing is the price of it all.
Although the contacts between Protestant and Roman Catholic colleagues have been generally cordial in Tübingen over the years, there nevertheless exist two totally separate faculties, two libraries, two patterns for examinations and, in the last analysis, two ways of doing theology.
If we don't sooner or later make English the official language and implement our way of doing things, we will soon see ourselves bending and bending to accommodate those that will never assimilate until they totally take over.
Everything in society is now viewed through that very instrumentalized lens and unlike a lot of other people who hold the kind of job that I do, it's totally understandable that that would be the orientation, because higher education has done a spectacularly poor job of delivering on its promises: It has racked up over $ 1.4 trillion in student loan debt, putting an immense burden upon the next generation, not only financially, but dampening their ability to innovate and create.
Although this notion of perception has been the dominant epistemological view in modern philosophy, it has never adequately explained precisely how the outside world and the mediating senses get over to the (totally different) realm of mind.
Many in the church curia have almost totally surrendered to such ways of death, perhaps from a sense of guilt over the past treatment of females or from a real sense of justice, but often without thought or theological understanding of the consequences.
And for the first time in my week of silence, my inner voice grew totally quiet and a Psalm rushed over me:
I am (a) A victim of child molestation (b) A r.ape victim trying to recover (c) A mental patient with paranoid delusions (d) A Christian The only discipline known to often cause people to kill others they have never met and / or to commit suicide in its furtherance is: (a) Architecture; (b) Philosophy; (c) Archeology; or (d) Religion What is it that most differentiates science and all other intellectual disciplines from religion: (a) Religion tells people not only what they should believe, but what they are morally obliged to believe on pain of divine retribution, whereas science, economics, medicine etc. has no «sacred cows» in terms of doctrine and go where the evidence leads them; (b) Religion can make a statement, such as «there is a composite god comprised of God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit», and be totally immune from experimentation and challenge, whereas science can only make factual assertions when supported by considerable evidence; (c) Science and the scientific method is universal and consistent all over the World whereas religion is regional and a person's religious conviction, no matter how deeply held, is clearly nothing more than an accident of birth; or (d) All of the above.
I am totally drooling over this blog — definitely one of my favorites!
The book is filled with over a hundred amazing recipes, almost all of which are totally new — plus I've included a couple of old favourites from the blog, including sweet potato brownies, raw brownies and superfood bread as I know that none of us can live without those!
I've just received the first copies of it and it's so beautiful, I'm totally over the moon with how it's come out and just can not wait for you guys to see it.
I know that lots of you might be reading this thinking ok but why would I rub porridge ingredients over my face, I totally understand that it sounds weird but trust me, it's amazing and it does absolute wonders for your skin!
Thank you so much Candice — I totally relate to the fear over numbers and sales and I've really found having a great partnership to be an amazing way of stepping forward without this knowledge x
I decided to squeeze a lemon over it but quickly got sucked in by Game of Thrones and totally forgot about the fish.
Easter Sunday is next week so I put together a list of over 20 totally delicious Easter recipes.
(And, of course, the man who was totally confused over my embarrassment about my unflattering uniform.
Over the weekend I was watching a cooking show, and it reminded me of another no - bake food that you should totally make.
Totally saves the hassle of getting out my blender from waaaay up high over my fridge!
I start by putting a cup of oats in each of my work tupperware containers, then pour almond milk over the oats — I never really measure this, I just try to almost totally cover the oats.
When I was cleaning out the refrigerator over the weekend, I totally forgot that I had a package of wontons that hadn't been opened yet.
I still have over a month of writing to go before I turn in the manuscript, then a few rounds of edits, so chances are I'll be a little quieter than usual on the blog — case in point, I totally forgot to post a recipe last week.
I had already been enjoying nuts on this ACD (one of the few snack - like treats you can have), but now I'm totally over the top for nut butters.
There's obviously still the pie crust anxiety that I've totally gotten over, but there's no pressure of crimped edges and pie dishes.
Love the drizzle of caramel over caramel buttercream... totally irresistible!
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