Sentences with phrase «touch with one's family»

My cell phone did still got service at the hostel and I was able to keep in touch with my family using my unlimited international texting plan.
Parents view their growing sons as changing and losing touch with their family.
Wherever our travels take us, we clearly have terrific tools for staying in daily touch with our families.
Seniors love that they can go online and keep in touch with their family with a couple of mouse clicks.
If you have any questions, concerns, please make sure to get in touch with your family veterinarian.
A nice feature to stay in touch with family without buying calling cards.
Children who can not return home but still want to stay in touch with their families often live in long - term foster care.
But what happens when a beneficiary has lost touch with their family, or is missing and has not been heard from in years?
For many, it has proven to be an invaluable resource for people who want to keep in touch with family, friends and former co-workers.
We believe that this is an extreme measure that is clearly out of touch with the families of nearly three quarters of a million students in charter schools or on charter school waiting lists, as well as with the strong majority of California voters who are clearly supportive of charter schools.
They even stay in touch with each family who adopts one of their fosters, which is so super sweet of them!
I love that Denis can keep in touch with his family even though he is thousands of miles and a whole world away.
For practical help as you negotiate your way through separation or divorce, you may find it useful to get in touch with Families Need Fathers, whose website is here.
I had stopped following news of South Africa intently and have embraced my home in the USA, other than keeping in touch with my family there.
This year, I am one of the Outreach coordinators and my job is to recruit new campers and keep in touch with the families year round!
I even recommend to get in touch with a family psychologist who would give you a great piece of useful advice how to be hapilly married with your foreign spouse.
Oscar's classroom teacher stays in close daily touch with his family through both notes and phone calls.
That way, Einstein officials could get in touch with families interested in continuing at Intercultural, which administrators are calling «Einstein 2» for the time being.
this is really really goood news; my wifes BBS2 is almost done and she needs BB to stay in touch with her family overseas.
With social media such as Facebook and Twitter, you can easily keep in touch with family while you're away.
That was before the ubiquity of email and cell phones; communication meant sending a postcard or jamming quarters into a pay phone, which meant I was usually out of touch with family for weeks at a time.
Brian McGuinness, Starwood's senior vice president, specialty select brands, commented, «The Four Points study contains compelling results, including evidence that trends such as staying in touch with family via video chat — preferred even over email, text and phone — are accelerating.»
While it was nice not to have the LED blinking all the time, it was also hard to stay in touch with family back home.
To get in touch with a member of our team, read our simple step - by - step guide, then contact our clerks who will put you in touch with the family barrister best able to accommodate your needs.
To get in touch with a member of our team, first read our simple step - by - step guide, then our clerks can advise you on your next steps and put you in touch with the family lawyer best able to accommodate your needs.
In this situation, you should get in touch with a Family Law Coach or qualified attorney.
Facebook, for Brooks, is also how she keeps in touch with family members abroad, some of whom are otherwise hard to reach.
When you get in touch with The Family Development Center, you're taking the first step towards healing whatever pains hinder your family.
Garcia, who has long been out of touch with her family in Mexico, notes that DACA recipients can travel abroad only in very limited circumstances — for instance, if they are able to obtain an advance parole document from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.
This launched a series of external traumas in my life: leaving the ministry, leaving the church, losing friends and losing touch with some family, and losing my stability in ways I can not go into here.
«Phone charging is a capacity our nonprofit partners have been asking for quite some time, and we have seen a particularly great need for refugees fleeing Syria, who use their cell phones to stay in touch with family members, find safe passage, and tell their stories.
During that time, they had used a now - defunct online service called Prodigy to keep in touch with family members — meaning they weren't fearful of new technologies.
Reuters was unable to find a lawyer representing him or get in touch with his family.
Introduced to social networking by his kids, Hunter found it useful for keeping in touch with family and friends.
Though Facebook is his favorite social media platform to stay in touch with family and friends, he finds it frustrating as a branding tool due to some recent changes in Facebook policy: «I don't get a chance to engage with brands very much on Facebook - their content rarely appears on my newsfeed unless as a paid advertisement.»
Moreover, we are constantly distracted by our phones and keeping in touch with family, friends and co-workers.
Social media really isn't helping my anxiety at the moment and I would like to stop using all of this rubbish but living away from home, in France, it is also a good tool to stay in touch with family and friends.
These are then forwarded to the Children's Centre, who are thus authorised to get in touch with the family in question.
An Admissions Director may be in touch with your family to schedule the interview after application is completed.
But she did keep in touch with the family, and about eight years ago I was in the room when we got the call: my cousin was having triplets!
While there are lots of ways to stay in touch with your family, such as Facebook, Whatsapp or Skype, Fam - It provides...
An Admissions Director will be in touch with your family to schedule the interview day as soon as your application is completed.
«As we saw during the Adam Werrity affair which forced Liam Fox's resignation, this is a government which appears to be too close to corporate interests but desperately out of touch with families, businesses and young people struggling to get by.»
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