Sentences with phrase «touches on diabetes»

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To that end, French pharmaceutical giant Sanofi on Thursday is launching its StarSystem diabetes management platform, which connects to iBGStar, a glucose - monitoring app for the iPhone and iPod Touch.
I would wager they play about 20 - 30 % in impact (seen in diabetes AGEs and glucosepane formation; again this where this is very touching on the DNA damage role and seperating from the epigenetic role of aging; they can be uncoupled making these DNA damage elements muddled and less important than previously thought (I'm only talking about healthy aging, not pathological aging (as in the diabetes, Diabetes will greatly improve by Gldiabetes AGEs and glucosepane formation; again this where this is very touching on the DNA damage role and seperating from the epigenetic role of aging; they can be uncoupled making these DNA damage elements muddled and less important than previously thought (I'm only talking about healthy aging, not pathological aging (as in the diabetes, Diabetes will greatly improve by Gldiabetes, Diabetes will greatly improve by GlDiabetes will greatly improve by GlycoSENS.
You may recall that I touched on the ability of healthy diets to prevent and treat type 2 diabetes.
From Healthy Longevity: «Cardiovascular Disease in Ancient Civilizations» (also briefly touches on blood sugar and diabetes)
I understand this column is largely about food and nutrition, but now we're discussing diabetes could you touch on regular «long exercise» and its effect on insulin resistance?
This is only the beginning — we haven't even touched on the benefits to obesity, diabetes, cancer, and even the anti-aging effects.
Touching on these ideas even at the very highest level raises questions about a bunch of other topics, such as simple carbs versus complex carbs, glucose, insulin sensitivity and insulin resistance, fasting, the gut microbiome, and even conditions such as diabetes and cancer.
Furthermore, Ali promised to «issue 17 guidance letters that will touch on issues such as how districts should address sexual violence in schools, how nurses should be trained to address students» food allergies or work with students who have diabetes, and how schools should address the needs of ELLs who are gifted or have disabilities.»
Furthermore, Ali promised to «issue 17 guidance letters that will touch on issues such as how districts should address sexual violence in schools, how nurses should be trained to address students» food allergies or work with students who have diabetes, and how schools should address the needs of
The young lady has type 1 diabetes and I want to touch on a couple of subjects with this particular situation.
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