Sentences with phrase «tough business decisions»

We match you with an experienced mentor who can help you make tough business decisions.
In contrast, companies who forget the human element of tough business decisions suffer a harsh period of poor brand awareness.
Owing to demonstrated expertise in using data analysis to support and improve business decisions, and interpreting data and reporting conclusions from their analysis, I have been the choice to assist with tough business decisions that require mathematical calculations.
He is able to make the necessary and many times tough business decisions while taking into account our people and the overall culture of the company.»
Whereas entrepreneurs may have looked to their investors or board members in the past for guidance, founders are discovering that their investors are increasingly strapped for time, which leaves them with nowhere to turn when making tough business decisions.
An MBA program helps students acquire new skills to help them make tough business decisions.
This time it's demonstrated through Ana sassing Christian and trying to figure out her feminism in the workplace (where her toughest business decision is changing a font size), in the home (where she isn't sure how to dictate duties to the staff), and in the marriage (where she's forced to weigh motherhood or wifedom).
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