Sentences with phrase «tough chick»

The phrase "tough chick" refers to a strong and resilient woman who can handle difficult situations and challenges with confidence and courage. Full definition
Along with the violence, the film portrays women as little more than eye - candy — even the smart ones — or as tough chicks that tussle in girl fights.
When a seemingly hot and tough chick falls for me, I don't hesitate giving her a damn good f **** to remember.
I'm a rugged tough chick at work, I work a lot but when not at work I'm a sarcastically fun witty lady.
The wondrous Woodley is a more convincing tough chick here, James blandly adequate in support, Miles Teller a colorful third wheel and Ansel Elgort (as Tris's meek brother) a colorless fourth wheel.
You get what you expect from Wahlberg, who delivers the troubled anithero persona well enough, and the supporting cast is full of competent character actors, with the exception of a miscast Mila Kunis (Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Get Over It) as some sort of tough chick who is supposed to be intimidating.
Oh well, Im a tough chick.
I think these boots fit the «oversized men's sweater look» because it gives me a «tough chick» vibe or at least, to me it does.
Her protesting and silly announcement she would «tell all» was farcical since the «tough chick» could not handle the truth when presented with it.
They focused way too much on the emotional side of her and except for the first 5 minutes where you think she's this tough chick she is whining all the time.
Women come in four flavors in Furious 7: sexpot, tough chick, nerd (albeit a beautiful one) and the long - suffering victim wife.
Jodie also starred in the Neil Jordan thriller «The Brave One» as the tough chick lead.
Regina is one tough chick (a poster girl for the fictitious «EuroAsia» of videogame and anime lore), but doesn't have the «deer caught in the headlight» charm of Claire Redfield or Jill Valentine.
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