Sentences with phrase «tourist groups»

The prices here are fairly low and the restaurant is most accommodating to families with young children as well as large tourist groups seeking timely dining.
Also we are dedicated to the transportation of individuals and tourist groups anywhere in the country.
On the other hand, the island sees many tourist groups throughout the year and is equipped with venues that can accommodate larger numbers of people.
These photos were taken in Washington Square Park, and we were followed by pigeons, children, and lots of tourists groups.
Assisting tourist groups on tour and taking them to various places of cultural heritages as well as historical importance.
It looks like a glorified scooter, and even today, it's a rare sight to see anyone other than a mall security officer or tourist group plodding along on one.
They have attacked tourist groups from Japan and Germany as a way to dry up an indispensable source of revenue for Egypt: tourism.
Away from the large tourist groups, here you enjoy the quiet beaches the beautiful Caribbean waters and breezes, palm trees, exotic birds, the stars, sunrises and sunsets — natural beauty above and below the waterline.
There are many tourist groups, each with a different color headscarves.
Three more of the tourist group insinuated their way past the two men to stand with their friends, all excitedly commenting on the bags, their attention now evenly divided between the items on both sheets.
In Gerritsen's new thriller, Die Again, Jane and Maura piece together links between the grisly murder of a big game hunter in Boston and the disappearance, years earlier, of a tourist group on safari.
Yes, they do shun the tourist groups and «touristy» spots.
For those in the hotel in tourist groups (the vast majority) this is not so much of a problem, but it is for independent travelers.
You can be assured that your accommodation will be able to comfortably accommodate every member of your tourist group and ensure that each of them will have a wonderful experience in Asia.
If you are looking to book serviced accommodations for your tourist group anywhere in Asia, the only way to go is by contacting Moveandstay.
Moveandstay is the only way to go if you are in the process of booking accommodations for a large tourist group.
Location: A great choice for the tourist group, this property is half a mile from the Sydney Opera House, and Sydney Aquarium.
The narrator of this over-the-top spoof, played by actor Brian Kerstetter, joins a tourist group traveling through Papua New Guinea.
Citizenship and Immigration Canada also offers three «Express» programs that help Mexican business people, tourist groups and students come to Canada faster:
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