Sentences with phrase «toward chest»

What makes training harness a good harness, is its padding for dogs comfort, strength and durability so your trainer feels safe, balancing of the pressure from throat / trachea are toward chest area.
As she approaches you, repeatedly wave your hand toward your chest and say «come.»
Three weeks later, I'm losing my virginity and the girl, who is not Katie, stops midway through and asks, eyes down toward my chest, if it hurts me ever.
Then they should cross the left arm over the right arm, clasp their hands together, and — keeping their hands clasped — bring them toward their chest.
Anyway, I leaned up against the wall and pulled my knees up toward my chest propping myself up across from my crush, suddenly the teacher pulled me out into the hall quickly and explained that I needed to sit in a more ladylike manor while wearing a dress and it hit me that, I was so enthralled, I totally didn't notice I was flashing the entire class my underpants..
Pull one knee toward your chest, hold for 10 seconds, and then repeat with the other leg.
Exhale and return your foot to a slight point, bend your knee toward your chest, and then lower your foot to the floor.
The goal is to repeatedly lift the knees toward the chest or toward a 90 - degree angle with the body.
On your back, bring your legs in toward your chest and put the resistance band around the soles of your feet.
Gently pull both knees toward your chest and breathe.
Gently pull your right knee toward your chest, so you feel a stretch in your left glute.
If your neck and shoulders feel tense, or if your chin juts upward toward the sky instead of settling comfortably toward your chest, elevate your head a few inches with a folded blanket or pillow.
Bring your chin toward your chest and your hands to your hips one at a time.
Lifting your foot off the ground, reach your arms forward to hold your shin, and draw your knee gently toward your chest.
Use core to return knees back toward chest.
Double knees to chest stretch - Lying on your back, bring both knees toward the chest by placing the hands on top of the shins or behind the thighs.
Draw both knees toward your chest, rocking gently from side to side, then place your arms and legs on the floor and settle into Savasana.
In a single motion, raise your right knee toward your chest as you lower both hands to your knee.
Still drawing the right knee toward your chest, slowly straighten the left leg by reaching your foot toward the end of your mat.
Gently tuck your chin toward your chest.
Slowly bring one knee toward your chest.
Lie back, with your chin tucked toward your chest, but don't release your head to the floor.
Tuck your chin toward your chest and support yourself by pressing your hands into the bolster or floor as you lie back over the bolster.
As you extend your hips back and up, move your shoulder blades in toward your chest and push your chest toward your thighs — actions that will help to open your upper back and shoulders.
Jump your feet up towards your hands, bringing your knees toward your chest.
Resist collapsing the left shoulder toward the chest as you transition; otherwise, you risk injuring your shoulder.
When you are ready to come out of the pose, bend your knees toward your chest.
Keeping your abs in, slide one foot toward your chest then bring it back to the starting positon.
Grab hold of both your knees and slowly pull them up toward your chest.
As you lower your left leg back toward the ground and bring your chest up, pull the kettlebell swiftly up toward your chest.
Rather, slowly let the weight pull your arms in toward your chest.
Holding the breast, in the same way, now push it back toward the chest, slightly compressing the breast against the body.
Gently tilt your chin toward your chest to reach deeper into the scalene muscles, which run along both sides of the neck.
Then quickly jump straight up to bring your knees toward your chest for a tuck jump (e).
Raising your knee toward your chest is an example of hip flexion.
Think about pulling your knees toward your chest in the tuck (it'll scorch your core even more!)
Pull your right knee toward your chest while keeping your knee in alignment with the right shoulder.
Allow your legs to hang down and then sluggishly lift your knees toward your chest.
Release lock and lower sled by bringing knees toward your chest.
Then, bend your knees back in toward your chest, while scooping your abdominals in (c).
Gently pull both knees toward chest, keeping lower back on floor.
«Virabhadrasana I allows us to work toward moving the tailbone forward and lifting the torso out of the lower body — taking the head back safely, moving the shoulder blades forward toward the chest, and extending strongly through the arms.»
We try to do this because we tend to be stronger rowers horizontally toward the chest.
Standing in place, drive one knee high toward your chest as quickly as possible, place your foot back on the floor and immediately driving the other knee high toward your chest (b).
Keeping your head on the floor, hug your knees in toward your chest.
You begin with a push up position, then you need to bring your knees toward your chest.
Row it toward your chest, bending your elbow and keeping your upper arm close to your side.
Pull your left knee up toward your chest, as you bend your arms 90 degrees and move your right arm forward and left arm backward.
Step your foot back down and then pivot to the left, bringing your right knee up toward your chest.
As you breathe in, pull your knees toward your chest as you roll your pelvis backward and raise your hips and upper back off the floor.
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