Sentences with phrase «toward ending»

Last Saturday, the March for Our Lives, a protest led by Parkland's Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School students geared toward ending gun violence, drew an estimated 800,000 participants in Washington,...
We can not look toward an ending of a story unless we know where we have been.
That designation means that the federal government will allocate funds toward ending the epidemic, which was...
If you walk toward the end of downtown Celebration on Front Street, you'll find the town's movie theater.
We started to see some new trends in HR outsourcing toward the end of 2017 and beginning of 2018.
In fact, it's closing in on a level last seen toward the end of 2012, when Congress stared down the fiscal cliff, refusing to authorize a new debt limit.
As a business owner, you know the importance of showing your employees appreciation — especially toward the end of the year.
Logan said the drills were expected to conclude toward the end of May.
When Tesla Motors announced it would begin shipping its mass - market - priced Model 3 toward the end of 2017, the clock started ticking at Elix Wireless.
During the course of the day as you're dealing with difficult people, making decisions and battling traffic, you use up your willpower, leaving you feeling depleted toward the end of the day.
Toward the end of Obama's term, it became clear why he had shied away from striking Assad: He was focused on the Iran nuclear deal.
But, toward the end of our chat, we ventured into an intriguing area: the connection of cars to the Internet.
Kushner's first step, toward the end of 2012, was to bring on two friends as co-founders.
(He also veered more heavily into conspiracy theory territory when an analyst's call was dropped when asking a question: «Instead of answering, there was a death ray type of sound toward the end of the question, and the questioner was no longer there.»)
But Laura McCann experienced more than her share of corporate upheaval toward the end of 1997.
-- Toward the end of the Federal election campaign, gas prices proved a final sticking point.
Toward the end of his talk, Sutton fielded questions from viewers watching the livestream and using a chat tool to send in questions.
Toward the end of the six months, I found I was getting mentally and emotionally fatigued.
Valeant CEO Joe Papa told attendees of Wells Fargo's healthcare conference earlier this month that the company would start raising prices toward the end of the year.
The research house doesn't expect personal and corporate tax cuts in the United States to lead to a surge in business investment, because it believes the economy is already toward the end of a regular business cycle.
He was used to working 24 hours a day when on deployment, and at least 50 hours a week toward the end of his career marketing military vehicles.
Retweeting starts to drop off toward the end of the day.»
«I work in an industry with a busy season such that you can not get time off toward the end, except in life or death situations.
Toward that end, some hotel chains, in deals they have with online travel agencies (OTAs) such as Expedia, have forbidden those companies from bidding on keyword ads on Google and other ad networks that would include the hotels» brand names, according to the editorial.
The company said that it would «remove Flash completely from Chrome toward the end of 2020.»
Toward the end of the meeting, I asked the members of the group how many of them had received some form of bank financing.
Letterman in particular, with his constant needling of politicians like Sarah Palin and Mitt Romney, allowed his left - of - center leanings to peek through toward the end of his run.
Toward the end of the conversation, I had to ask about his iPhone, which I was more than a little surprised to see.
«And now that the balance of power has shifted away from the IT department toward the end user, these consumers are forcing enterprises to support and deploy iPads.»
When you outline your plan for change, mention a step you've already taken toward those ends.
While originally plagued with production issues — there was a recession at the beginning of construction, allegations of British spying in the middle, and technical issues toward the end — the carrier was deployed to the Indian Ocean during Operation Enduring Freedom and the initial liberation of Afghanistan.
Even toward the end of his career, he didn't slow down his dealmaking.
But many people don't understand that when you're talking about yourself and someone else toward the end of the sentence you should use «me» instead.
Toward that end, a plan to combine VMware vCloud Air with Virtustream, the enterprise cloud company EMC acquired last year, was tossed.
Toward the end of the work week, Gates asked Greenberg what he'd be working on the next day.
Wall Street donors flocked to Bush in the first half of 2015, but largely shifted their allegiance to Rubio toward the end of the year, according to the CRP.
And though she and her friends would laugh about the awful material on the dating app, she was struck toward the end of 2013 by something else: just about everyone she knew was using it.
The company's ultimate goal of eliminating the world's oil addiction is a good one and some of its innovations toward that end are indeed clever.
Nokia: an acquisition that backfired In September 2013, toward the end of Ballmer's tenure, Microsoft announced it would «purchase substantially all of Nokia's Devices & Services business, license Nokia's patents, and license and use Nokia's mapping services.»
Toward that end, in January, Oracle announced plans to add three new data center farms within six months and more to come.
Toward the end of the essay, the authors address why the proper definition of disruption still matters — especially when it comes to Uber.
«Large companies really collapse, especially toward the end of a recession,» says Birch, who has studied the phenomenon for more than 20 years.
«And then sometimes toward the end of the mat leave, [the new parent] decides to not to come back.
IDEX, which last summer entered a partnership with an unnamed global payments company for biometric applications, is integrating its sensors into smart cards with partners and expects shipments to start toward the end of this year, Knudtzon said.
While results on Tuesday will likely show slower Apple growth, this broader iPhone strategy could revive sales when the new devices come out toward the end of 2018.
Spotify is aiming to file its intention to float its stock on the public markets with US regulators toward the end of this year, sources said.
Toward that end the Jacobses are adding a holiday launch, and are also considering a resort season line.
Toward the end of Chapter 1, narrator Scout Finch (age 5), her brother Jem (age 9) and her next - door neighbor for the summer, Dill Harris (age 6), discuss the ethics of holding a lit match to a turtle, for the sake of getting the turtle to come out of its shell.
«Toward the end, you would say, «Don't stop cold - calling people!
But toward the end of the call, an analyst made the business question mistake.
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