Sentences with phrase «toward higher loads»

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«There are a lot of triathletes who are pushing more toward having higher fat content or variables in their diet, and they're cutting out the idea of carb loading,» he says.
Then, when your income is higher and your debt load is lower, you can apply more of your resources toward repaying your home loan.
Most lenders front - load the interest payments, so that in the beginning of the term, a higher percentage of the payment goes toward interest.
However, the practice of gut loading — feeding prey a high - quality diet prior to offering them as the main course themselves — goes a long way toward providing a healthy diet.
Look for a rewards card such as the Motiva that's geared toward cardholders who carry a balance, since the higher your debt load, the higher the rewards.
In 1988, James E. Hansen, the NASA climate scientist who, through much of his career, has pressed elected officials to limit greenhouse gas emissions, constructed «loaded» cardboard dice for a Senate hearing, to illustrate that we were, in essence, tipping the climate system toward ever higher odds of unpleasant events like droughts and flooding rains.
In conclusion, the paper suggests that the process of reworking the parameters of block size and transaction intervals is only a first step toward achieving «next - generation, high - load blockchain protocols», and that for bitcoin to make major advances it will require a «basic rethinking» of the underlying code.
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