Sentences with phrase «toward keeping you secure»

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Stun engrossing front swivel haggles direct wellbeing tackle toward keep child secure.
I'm roaring toward my next birthday with the throttle wide open, secure in knowing how well I'm going to be able to take care of my body... because I learned a secret a few years ago, and I'm really bad at keeping secrets that might affect other people positively as much as this one affected me!
MerchantLink's SecurityCents blog provides helpful advice, how - to's, and news geared toward keeping retailers and other brick - and - mortar businesses» data safe and secure.
The Savings Secured Visa Platinum card also doesn't charge its users an annual fee, allowing cardholders to put that bit of extra cash toward the security deposit, paying down a balance or simply keeping a few extra bucks in their pockets.
Keep in mind that by failing to secure the best rates on your commercial mortgage renewal, you could be paying thousands of extra dollars toward interest payments over the course of your next multi-year term.
Keeping cats and dogs as far apart as possible in the hospital will go a long way toward securing more feline appointments.
The paper, titled «Keeping America Safe: Toward more secure networks for critical sectors,» collects a year of research, largely culled from purpose - built workshops.
A quick press on the sides of the arms moved them toward the phone, and the rubbery sides and back kept our device secure.
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