Sentences with phrase «toward opposite sides»

Using a whisk, gently blend the spirulina on the surface, moving it toward the opposite side of the bowl to create an ombre effect.
As you lift one arm overhead with your palm facing inward, reach and lean toward the opposite side of the arm raised (b).
Work your way along toward the opposite side and see where the tissues are resistant to compression.

Not exact matches

Roads can bear travelers over the same ground toward different destinations, whether those travelers pass in opposite directions or go side by side for this overlapping leg of their trip.
With black, red or blue icing, pipe 2 arches on opposite sides of cupcakes, curving lines slightly toward center.
Fold two opposite sides of tortilla toward the center.
If using stone fruit, work from the outside in toward the pit; rotate the fruit and cut rounds from the opposite side, then slice rectangles from either end until you are left with just the pit.
The slot wide receiver on the opposite side from Thomas is running a shallow crosser, and the running back is running a route toward the flat.
Instead of having a defensive tackle stunting toward the side of the field right - handed quarterbacks usually like to run, the Titans had maybe their best defensive player running in the opposite direction.
The longest side of the triangle should be behind your baby's back, with the opposite corner pointing down toward the feet.
They can be moved into opposite sides of the room and angled toward each other, placed together, or in whichever other configuration works for your space.
Developmental psychologist Lotte Thomsen of the University of Copenhagen and her collaborators showed infants cartoon movies in which two different - size blocks, each having an eye and a mouth, bounced toward each other starting from opposite sides of a platform.
In the 1970s, cosmologists determined that the microwaves appear hotter than average toward the constellation Leo and cooler than average at the opposite side of the sky.
Thanks to Isaac Newton's third law that every action must have an equal and opposite reaction, the deflected wake pushes the ball in the opposite direction, toward the side of the ball that's turning away from the oncoming air.
To perform bicycle crunches correctly, get into a regular crunch position, then lift your right shoulder toward your left knee and simultaneously extend the right leg, then repeat on the opposite side without pausing.
Cinch the bottom side - waist, and reach your opposite arm strongly toward the ceiling to avoid collapsing your bottom shoulder.
Added challenge (advanced fitness levels): add a diagonal knee (knee toward opposite shoulder), or, add wide knees: hands elevated on a step, box or bench, jump one foot toward the outside of the step / box / bench bending your knee, hop switch to the other side.
Also, if the internal oblique on one side is inhibited / lengthened while the external oblique on the opposite side is inhibited / lengthened, the torso will bend laterally and rotate toward the side of the inhibited internal oblique.
Lift arms diagonally across your body toward the ceiling and bring them down to the opposite side of the body.
Then take the outside of the raised leg with the opposite - side hand (turn the thumb down toward the floor), and press the same - side hand on the floor behind you.
Exhale and swing the leg slightly to the opposite side (i.e., when the right leg is raised, swing it to the left); at the same time, twist the torso toward the raised leg.
We sense something terrible will happen, and it does happen, but we are surprised because we suddenly find the movie rapidly accelerating on an unexpected course — and it never stops until it reaches to its finale literally approaching toward it from the opposite side.
On the opposite side of the room, a student named Gene'a thrusts her hand toward the ceiling.
Available safety features include adaptive cruise control with stop / start functionality, forward collision warning with autonomous emergency braking, and a «smart» blind - spot detection system that can sense unintentional drifting toward an adjacent vehicle and automatically apply braking to the opposite - side front wheel to maintain the Cadenza's intended course.
Another Kia first is the Smart Blind Spot Detection System1 which senses unintentional drifting toward an adjacent vehicle and automatically brakes the opposite side front wheel to help maintain the vehicle's intended course.
Now, on the opposite side, I will say that there have been some mega best selling writers who, toward the end, have just kind of mailed it in, and you can sense that in their books, that, now they don't have to try.
But one day, I could only watch in panicked horror as that very thing happened, and curse my bipedalism as Dog and Cat raced from opposite sides of the room toward the salty...
Some unilateral lesions of the central vestibular pathways, especially unilateral involvement of the flocculonodular lobe of the cerebellum or the supramedullary part of the caudal cerebellar peduncle, produce a head tilt and ataxia directed toward the side opposite to the lesion, and a nystagmus with the fast component towards the side of the lesion.
Fox News tipped the balance toward those on the opposite side of the facts, as 69 percent of guests and 75 percent of mentions cast doubt on climate science.
On the opposite side of the ledger, a rally toward $ 330 is looking more and more possible from the perspective of relative strength and the MACD.
Both the Festival and its Arena counterpart lean toward the heavy side when it comes to bass, which is the opposite of the sound profile we typically experience in all - in - one speaker systems.
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