Sentences with phrase «toward positive change»

It gives me a lot of satisfaction to be actively working toward positive changes in the field rather than just worrying about the future of my scientific career and the difficulties of postdoc life.
With love and laughter, she works toward finding a comfortable balance in her classes, challenging her students to move toward positive change in all aspects of their lives.
He explained that through taking a hard look at data, inquiry helps us get honest about what is really happening in our classrooms and schools and take deliberate action steps toward positive change.
My goal is to be a helper that provides a safe place to begin to move toward positive change.
We believe that symptoms can be our teachers and can help us to take action toward positive change.
I look forward to helping you work toward positive change in your life.
The contract also includes details of how we support the parent to work toward positive changes in their life and how the contract will be monitored.
Yay for commercials starting the trend toward positive change.
I'm proud to endorse Council Member Williams for Lieutenant Governor, and I know that his independence and relentless drive toward positive change will enable him to make profound impact on the state as a vocal, effective advocate for the people.»
Simple Strides Toward Positive Change: Lessons from Life Coaching, by Susan Korwin (e-book and print; consulting editor and project manager; 2012)
Change Is Our Choice: Creating Climate Solutions provides a fun, social, practical and effective pathway toward the positive change we'd like to see.
While the majority of our programs are designed for couples in crisis, we do have a program that is designed to help individuals get to a healthy place personally and be an encouragement toward positive change relationally.
Carolyn is skilled in utilizing various treatment modalities that are strength - based, goal directed, and geared toward positive changes for growth and development.
Free Dating Sites Isle Man Free Dating Sites Under 25 The sites, he says, are «a small step toward positive change.
«Taking the first step and reaching out for help can seem initially intimidating, but once you have begun you will be moving toward positive change in your life.
She was the driving force behind the 10 - year, $ 100 million Good Neighborhoods Initiative, a program that works toward positive change in Detroit's neighborhoods.
He encouraged people to look for ways to work toward positive change and to bring people together and act with moral courage.
The sites, he says, are «a small step toward positive change.
Free Dating Sites Under 25 The sites, he says, are «a small step toward positive change.
Rather than offering just a list of questions Free Dating Sites Under 25 The sites, he says, are «a small step toward positive change.
This opportunity is ideal for any family member who wants to work toward positive change.
A few words about our redesigned logo: as an attentive observer, you will notice that it includes Montana's iconic mountains in the form of data trend lines that point upwards, toward the positive changes we seek for our children.
In fact, saving a broken marriage often boils down to the efforts of one person working toward a positive change.
We will identify and explore the relationship patterns that lead to disconnection as the first step toward positive change and then work toward the development of greater intimacy, trust, safety and emotional connection.
Couples in distress have much to gain from seeking support from a skilled professional and having a neutral third - party help them move toward positive change and repair roadblocks interfering with relationship health and satisfaction.
«Today you will start on the path to the new you where you will feel empowered and work toward positive change and well being.
Together we will work toward positive change.
The authors provide clinical guidance and case examples for numerous aspects of group therapy, including screening and preparing potential members, identifying individuals who are not good candidates for group therapy, and fostering here - and - now emotional experiences that help group members move toward positive change.
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