Sentences with phrase «toward public education»

Here's a look at three different measures of public attitudes toward public education.
A statewide initiative on the ballot asks voters to make an exception, and instead direct the tax revenue from marijuana sales toward public education and drug - prevention programs.
«If you're going to be in a budget battle, you want to be with someone who can make points, who has relationships with legislators and can change minds and turn people toward public education
As I sat listening to Governor Cuomo's State of the State address, I was struck by the more positive tone he took toward public education.
The evening opened with brief remarks from Schools Chancellor Carmen Fariña, who presented a humanistic philosophy toward public education at sharp odds with prevailing notions that schools today are workplaces where students apply themselves to learn skills needed to pass tests.
Teachers» attitudes toward public education differ markedly from those of the general public, according to a new Gallup Poll completed in conjunction with Phi Delta Kappa, the professional education fraternity, and published in the October issue of Phi Delta Kappan magazine.
And those attacks on the Education Department, Democrats contended, symbolize conservatives» hostility toward public education.
Angry Schools Chiefs: The nation's chief state school officials, in a markedly emotional meeting in Washington, voice extreme displeasure with the Reagan administration's posture toward public education.
Using the hashtags #PublicSchoolsWeek and #LovePublicEducation, participants are encouraged to express their own feelings toward public education and why the success of public schools is essential to the future of education in America.
The 2014 PDK / Gallup Poll on attitudes toward public education found that a majority of Americans favor charter schools, while at the same time, not fully understanding how they operate (Bushaw & Calderon, 2014).
His endorsement of vouchers is based in reality, not antipathy toward public education or some new - found belief in the free market.
For nearly a half - century, the professional educators organization Phi Delta Kappa has released a poll this time of year to capture the public's attitudes toward public education.
For nearly a half - century, Phi Delta Kappa (PDK), a professional educators organization, has released a nationwide poll this time of year that attempts to capture the American public's attitudes toward public education.
Obama was partly home schooled and spent high school in an elite private boys school, and I think it informs his attitude toward public education.
In their annual poll of the public's attitude toward public education, what prompted the well - respected PDK (Phi Delta Kappa) association's new question about the purpose of education?
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