Sentences with phrase «toward reaching one's goals»

You need to create a strategy that outlines steps toward reaching your goal of acquiring job interviews.
The veterinarian may then suggest appropriate interventions and continue to monitor performance to assess the herd's progress toward reaching their goals.
To use portfolios in this way, students must clearly understand their learning goals, the steps that they have taken toward reaching those goals, and how far they have come.
He points out that government benefits alone will go a long way toward reaching that goal.
There is pleasure in earning and in working toward reaching a goal.
Then the review should examine how well the employee has done toward reaching these goals.
These teams facilitate the execution of steps, procedures and practices required to move the members of the community toward reaching these goals.
We can help you win your first job toward reaching your goal — become a boss.
In addition, I have the communication skills to clearly state how to get to the desired end point and people skills required to motivate behavior toward reaching that goal.
I believe we all have the capacity to deepen knowledge of our inner selves in order to release painful, confusing experiences and move forward toward reaching our goals.
Keeping a record is an important step toward reaching your goals.
By keeping in mind specific challenges and the steps you took toward reaching your goals, you can show employers how hard you've worked to create your own professional image.
I love helping people, especially couples, increase their happiness and love as they work toward reaching their goals to create a life together.
The National Education Goals Panel unveils a plan to create a national assessment system to measure progress toward reaching the goals for the year 2000.
Today marks a meaningful step toward reaching our goal of incubating 25 excellent new or redesigned schools in the next five years.»
Following this approach rather than randomly doing exercises in the gym ensures not only complete and symmetrical development, but also that you'll make steady progress, keeping you motivated and on track toward reaching your goals.
That kind of complementary business relationship can help revitalize your company's mission and provide continual support toward reaching your goals.
At one or more points during the middle of the school year, it's important to follow - up with students and evaluate the progress they've made toward reaching the goals you set together at the start of the year.
«That keeps it out of sight and out of mind and allows you to keep momentum toward reaching your goal
The Pets in the Classroom program is more than halfway toward reaching this goal.
There's even a bit more energy on display in the boss encounters, which still abide by the hit - in - the - head - three - times rule, but shake up the accompanying dangers toward reaching that goal — though there is still plenty wanting here.
They know what marketing strategies work best to deliver optimal results, and they have the ability to make real - time adjustments when necessary to keep your campaign on target toward reaching your goals.
I am creative and love to inspire clients toward reaching their goals and transforming their lives.»
Lactation support to improve breastfeeding initiation and duration is a critical step toward reaching this goal.
Learn how Read Charlotte uses eight research - based community indicators to track progress toward reaching a goal of achieving 80 % third grade reading proficiency by 2025.
Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein last week highlighted the client - coverage push in his annual investor letter, noting that it had resulted in more than 75 new mandates across a variety of industry groups and that the firm was 30 % of the way toward reaching its goal of covering 1,000 new clients.
One of the biggest excuse I used to have for not taking the necessary steps toward reaching my goals was «I have too many bills to pay to take the time to work on this.»
It is literally the linking of body movement with breath specific sequences, the setting of an intention for one's personal yoga practice, and taking the necessary steps toward reaching that goal.
Students learn that school experiences can help them take steps toward reaching their goals.
Read Charlotte uses eight research - based community indicators to track our progress toward reaching our goal of achieving 80 % third grade reading proficiency by 2025.
Jake Fisher, Director of Auto Testing for Consumer Reports, said, «We have been calling on automakers to make automatic emergency braking standard in all new vehicles, and today is an important step toward reaching that goal.
For authors interested in broadening their platform to promote their book, or building their personal brand, becoming a speaker is a logical step toward reaching that goal.
You can be your own career coach, and take steps toward reaching your goals that won't cost you a dime.
Collaborated with colleagues by participating in team meetings, sharing ideas, contributing to team goals, and documenting progress toward reaching those goals
Your first step toward reaching this goal is to create an attractive and well - written warehouse operations manager curriculum vitae.
You have taken the beginning step toward reaching your goals!
«Congratulations on taking the first step toward reaching your goals.
If you decided to sell your home, you've taken the first important step toward reaching your goals.
«At EPA we're committed to ensuring Americans in all communities have healthy places to live, work and play, and the strategy we announced today is a critical step toward reaching that goal
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