Sentences with phrase «toward the holiness of»

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It reminds the believer that the vision of God unfolds amidst the splendor of holiness while also pointing toward the way in which the final movement to ecstatic wonder is always grace - filled and joy - laden.
If Carroll sees Vatican II as a move toward the «holiness of democracy,» Weigel sees it as proclaiming the «democracy of holiness
He discerned in holiness a feminine structure because he saw in woman how all are called to turn toward God, receive the divine, and thereby give birth to the life of Christ.
Though the Lord is a consuming fire, it is not that He burns with rage toward sinners, but that, as discussed above, the all - consuming love and holiness of God burns away anything that draws near which is not filled with the righteousness of God.
The journey toward personal holiness is one central to our journey of faith, yet so few actually imagine themselves one day being canonised in St Peter's Square.
R. R. Reno has written eloquently: «By clarifying what God has done in the person of Mary, the Church raises our eyes toward the highest goals, teaching the faithful that human flesh is capable of remarkable feats of holiness — even to the point of sinless perfection and fellowship with God in our flesh.»
Usually, we believe that creeds and confessions protect the gospel, defending it against heresy, keeping at bay those who teach a false gospel, and leading people toward central truths of gospel, such as God's holiness, our sinfulness, and the person and work of Jesus Christ.
He argues against all such theologies in that they attempt to set up a «glory road» to God, a way of self - reliance toward righteousness and holiness.
His Sources of Christian Ethics is a magisterial account of what went wrong with moral theology and, more importantly, how to understand the Christian life as a journey toward the good, as a call to holiness, rather than as a roadmap for avoiding the impermissible.
For John Paul II and Catholics traditionally, the Christian life is one of progress toward holiness, the goal of which is to be like God by becoming «full of grace» (1 John 3:2).
I myself was drawn back toward the church in which I was reared, in part by the discovery that at least the history (if not always the present reality) of the Holiness churches was a most significant incarnation of values that I had discovered in the student movements of the past decade.
The logic of grace in this sense points not toward winning, but toward holiness.
If an economic imperative trumps a commandment of Jesus, they should just say so and drop these pretensions toward particular holiness — which, while we are on the subject of divine abhorrence, God, as I recall, does not view much more kindly than he does neglect of the poor.
«The Church,» he says, «is reformed when the baptized march more resolutely toward holiness, allowing themselves to be recreated in the likeness of God by the power of the Holy Spirit.
This self - centeredness diminishes the holiness to be the first step toward the romance relationship built around the rock of wholeness.
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