Sentences with phrase «towers on a tightrope»

The new IMAX trailer for The Walk is basically a collage of all the trailers we've seen so far that emphasizes how batshit crazy and terrifying it would be to even stand near the edge of a World Trade Tower, let alone walk between the towers on a tightrope.

Not exact matches

Meanwhile, Simon Chinn and James Marsh were surprise winners of the best documentary award for Man On Wire, their acclaimed film following tightrope artist Philippe Petit's hair - raising trip between the twin towers of the World Trade Centre on a tightropOn Wire, their acclaimed film following tightrope artist Philippe Petit's hair - raising trip between the twin towers of the World Trade Centre on a tightropon a tightrope.
It has been six years now since James Marsh recounted Philippe Petit's tightrope walk between the World Trade Center towers in his documentary Man on Wire.
Robert Zemeckis's 3D take on Philippe Petit's tightrope walk between the twin towers takes truth and turns it into a cartoon
Though the story of Philippe Petit's daring tightrope walk between the World Trade Center towers was already told (and told well) in James Marsh's 2008 documentary Man On Wire, the feat is getting a big, flashy update this year, courtesy of Robert Zemeckis» The Walk.
While his French accent was a little shaky, his footwork sure wasn't, and the photorealistic scenes we saw of him walking on a tightrope between the World Trade Center towers may induce vertigo in some viewers.
French tightrope walker Petit's daredevil traverse of the twin towers — carried out without permission — was brought to the attention of filmgoers in James Marsh's award - winning 2008 documentary Man on Wire.
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