Sentences with phrase «toxic buildup»

"Toxic buildup" refers to the accumulation of harmful substances or toxins in the body or a specific area. It could be a result of exposure to pollutants, unhealthy habits, or the body's inability to efficiently eliminate toxins. This buildup of toxins can have negative effects on health and may lead to various problems or illnesses. Full definition
Because of the location and rapid growth of many bladder cancers, urinary obstruction with potential toxic buildup of waste products and shock is always possible.
It is often caused by an accumulation of toxic buildup in the joints, muscles and fluids.
In this exclusive free webinar, I'll reveal the signs your body is toxic — and what you're eating, drinking and putting on your skin that's causing toxic buildup.
Just like humans, dog's kidneys remove waste and prevent toxic buildup.
This is not likely due to the bacteria itself, but rather the amount of fluid and toxic buildup already present in the tissues.
This can also be a sign that there's toxic buildup in the system.
Inflammation of joints is often also caused by toxic buildups in those same areas.
A juice cleanse is the most gentle and effective way to help your body eliminate toxic buildup, shed excess weight and completely rebalance your system.
Most of these patients need to take medications that bind to phosphorus in their food to reduce toxic buildup of the mineral in their bodies.
Large, painful cystic type pimples are more of an indication of blockage, while puss - filled, infected acne indicates toxic buildup in the body.
Almonds remove impurities and toxic buildup found in our bowels.
Performing a liver cleanse can help remove toxic buildup for overall health and wellness.
Toxic buildup anywhere in the body, but especially in the gut, will have a direct impact on the nervous system.
Holistic veterinarian Dr. Karen Becker recommends chlorella as a super green food that is a natural detoxifying agent that can help with toxic buildup from perpetrators like pesticides and herbicides, vaccinations, unhealthy pet food, chemical pest preventatives including those for fleas, ticks and heartworm and just plain old environmental pollution.
Indoor air is 3 - 5 times more polluted than outdoor air, which means smoking indoors leads to greater toxic buildup and pollution.
«Calcium channels play a role in neuronal homeostasis, elimination of toxic buildup of proteins.»
Sweeteners ultimately cause toxic buildup (they are chemicals!)
From simple deep breathing techniques to topical ointments delivering ozone directly to tumor sites, we incorporate oxygen therapy into each treatment plan to simultaneously support the healing of healthy cells and prevent toxic buildup.
Eliminate toxic buildup and enrich your body with more abundant nutrients that will rejuvenate both body & mind.
You can assess the level of toxic buildup in your body using the following five signs culled from Ayurvedic tradition:
This leads to a toxic buildup of glutamate, which overstimulates brain activity.
And many lipid nanoparticles are not easily degraded in the body, so they can cause toxic buildup in the liver.
«Activation of these cell receptors appear to prevent brain cells from cleaning out the trash — the toxic buildup of proteins, such as alpha - synuclein, tau and amyloid, common in neurodegenerative diseases,» says the study's senior author, neurologist Charbel Moussa, MBBS, PhD, director of Georgetown's Laboratory for Dementia and Parkinsonism, and scientific and clinical research director of the GUMC Translational Neurotherapeutics Program.
Infants do not metabolize an anesthetic called propofol, for example, at the same rate as adults, which leads to toxic buildups in babies.
Another possibility, Traynor says, is that the repeated nucleotides cause a toxic buildup of messenger RNA, a key player in the cellular machinery for reading out DNA to make protein.
Focusing their efforts on a model of Huntington's disease, the team observed how different types of neurons in the brain each responded to this toxic buildup with different degrees of success, offering clues as to why the disease causes neurons in one region to die, while neurons in another are spared.
«Huntington's — an inherited and fatal disorder that leads to problems with muscle coordination, cognition and personality — is characterized by the toxic buildup of a mutant form of the huntingtin protein in the brain,» explained Dr. Finkbeiner, who directs the Taube - Koret Center for Neurodegenerative Disease Research at Gladstone.
«Activation of these cell receptors appear to prevent brain cells from cleaning out the trash — the toxic buildup of proteins, such as alpha - synuclein, tau and amyloid, common in neurodegenerative diseases,» says the study's senior author, Charbel Moussa, MBBS, PhD, director of Georgetown's Laboratory for Dementia and Parkinsonism, and scientific and clinical research director of the GUMC Translational Neurotherapeutics Program.
Researchers have tied mutations in a gene that causes amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and other neurodegenerative disorders to the toxic buildup of certain proteins and related molecules in cells, including neurons.
SAN FRANCISCO, CA — Scientists at the Gladstone Institutes and the Stanford University School of Medicine have discovered how modifying a gene halts the toxic buildup of a protein found in nerve cells.
Using coconut oil (it is cooling and full of antibacterial benefits) for 10 minutes twice a day for a month can soothe the mouth, if the candida manifests there, and help with pulling out excess ama (in ayurveda ama is the toxic buildup that occurs due to low agni) from the tongue and mouth.
We're inundated with about 80,000 chemicals, and chief among them are often the artificial substances, fillers, food dyes, processed foods, and sweeteners you eat on a daily basis that are causing a toxic buildup in your body.
This toxic buildup can trigger fibromyalgia symptoms.
This toxic buildup happens for a variety of reasons.
So all that talk of toxic buildup in your lymph system and the need to detox it?
The naturally occurring enzymes and bioflavonoids in raw fruits and vegetables help to break down toxic buildup and free radicals while fiber promotes regular elimination and cleansing of the intestinal villi to keep the intestinal lymphatic system healthy.
If a toxic buildup occurs, it can result in mental retardation.
A toxic buildup is also common in people struggling with thyroid disease.
Proper liver function is not only absolutely essential for a healthy body and digestion, but also any irregular, congestion or toxic buildup in the liver can leave you with symptoms of feeling far less than your best.
These toxic stuff may not be high enough to kill you now, but the cumulative effect of toxic buildup can be disastrous.
We need water to carry nutrients throughout our body and to help flush out the toxic buildup that we're having.
Containing herbs such as milk thistle, aloe leaf and senna to target the toxic buildup in the intestine and liver.
Toxic buildup can lead to a ton of physical and psychological illnesses and diseases so making sure your digestion is operating optimally is essential.
(NaturalHealth365) First, let's be perfectly clear — if we ignore the toxic buildup, within our body, we are at high risk for disease.
Many reputable herbalists believe that fibromyalgia involves a toxic buildup in the liver, which has become congested.
Since your lymphatic system is responsible for ridding the body of all toxic buildup, it is important to support it by regularly exercising, drinking adequate amounts of clean, fresh water, and eating hormone - free foods.
The naturally occurring enzymes and bioflavonoids in raw fruits and vegetables help to break down toxic buildup and free - radicals while fiber promotes regular elimination and cleansing of the intestinal villi to keep the intestinal lymphatic system healthy.
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