Sentences with phrase «toxic fats»

Heart disease is a product of the high carb / sugar diet with toxic fats.
Body fat can store a lot of environmental toxins, so increasing muscle mass will also increase metabolic output, thus reducing possible toxic fat stores in the body.
Even if the dose is not toxic the fat and sugar content of the chocolate may also lead to vomiting and diarrhea, an unpleasant side effect.
In those, good «ol days when jellyfish ruled the Earth, there was no such thing as man - made toxic fats like trans fats.
«Enzyme that protects cells from toxic fat identified.»
I'm sure you've seen all the latest fads, empty promises, toxic fat loss pills and unsustainable meal plans that require you to measure food, count calories and constantly eat every 2 hours!
I just want to know what you think of that idea, or if you know of a better way to dissolve that stubborn, toxic fat without it having to go back through the body systems.
Oestrogen balance is essential for achieving and maintaining fat loss, but too much causes toxic fat gain, water retention, bloating and a host of other health issues.
Avoiding toxic fats, including hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated vegetable oils (like canola and soybean oils), margarine, and trans fats, and fat from grain fed animals is fundamental.
Eating highly refined carbohydrates laced with toxic fats or poor quality proteins and devoid of critical nutrients robs your cells mitochondria of necessary ingredients needed to perform the task of making energy.
This is a fantastic recipe for a true pizza flavor and texture without all the nasty inflammatory carbs and toxic fats.
The Standard American Diet (SAD) relies on refined sugars, processed foods, and toxic fats.
However, the down side of convenience is that these «foods» often come with a hearty side dish of chemicals, salt, sugar and toxic fats.
So if your liver is overwhelmed by excess estrogen (and isn't working well, in other words) those toxins get deposited into your fat tissue, making it toxic fat tissue, which is the kind that the body really does not want to deal with.
PUFAs oxidize in the factory during refining, creating from 2 - 5 % trans and other distorted, toxic fats.
The problem is toxic fat.
Toxic fat is what negatively effects us.
Hamburg said that phasing these toxic fats out completely could prevent as many as 20,000 heart attacks a year and 7,000 deaths.
My conclusion: Reductions in migraine from adhering to a restrictive, low fat, vegan diet probably stem from cutting out toxic fats and including more fresh, antioxidant - rich vegetables.
The only way to remove toxins from the fat storage sites is to mobilize the toxic fat.
The danger with cinnamon in other supplements are the presence of naturally occurring, toxic fat - soluble compounds known as aldehydes.
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